Monday, July 25, 2011

Meal Plan Mun-dee

It is Pioneer Day at my house.  A state holiday to remember the pioneers who came to Utah and settled the valley.  I have pioneer roots, so I've always enjoyed the day. 

Can I make a meal plan of just desserts?  A week of desserts only.  That's all I feel like eating.  I have a leftover piece of the pineapple upside-down cake just tempting me in my fridge.  I've also just started using Pinterest.  My main reason was to clean up my bookmarks and as I'm "pinning" all these yummy desserts I've bookmarked over the years, my mouth is watering!

Alas, a girl can't live on "Knock You Naked Brownies" alone, so I make my meal plan ...

MONDAY:  Fish sticks and frozen fries


WEDNESDAY:  Chicken and veggies with pasta

THURSDAY:  Waffles and ice cream (we had French Toast last week)

FRIDAY:  Fast Food Friday

SATURDAY:  Grilled pizza

SUNDAY:  Hot dogs on the BBQ

We're linked up to a party at Organizing Junkie!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hooray for #168!!

I'd really like to know why a girl can't live off Naked Brownies (or whatever they were called) alone. That doesn't sound like a bad way to go.

Last Friday was my bimonthly trip to the grocery store and so I have plenty of options to choose from this week:

BBQ chicken w/ corn on the cob and baked beans

Green salad topped with grilled chicken and Rhodes rolls

Biggest Loser Enchilada chicken with rice and corn

Hawaiian haystacks

Chicken and dumplings

Mindy's crock pot Taco Soup on Sunday

There are a few more to choose from, but I'll save them for next week.