Monday, July 18, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

I can play my own game.  What did we really eat last week?

Monday - BBQ Beef a'la Mom
Tuesday - Pancakes
Wednesday - Grilled Fish and Brown Rice
Thursday - Baked Oatmeal with Raspberries
Friday - Panda Express Chinese
Saturday - Homemade pizza
Sunday - Beef Brisket, green salad, baked beans, rolls

So I kept to my menu somewhat.  I didn't get to the store until Saturday, so I was pretty pleased with myself for doing as well as I did.  Oh, and for what it's worth, Sam's Club has the best price on beef brisket where I live ... but you have to buy 25+ pounds of it at once.

This week feels very summer-ish.  I think the wadding pool will be used (maybe even by me) and I might even break out the slip-n-slide!  I am thinking we'll eat most meals outside, so I'm okay with the few messy options I have planned.

MONDAY:  Sloppy Joes, green salad, chips, and watermelon

TUESDAY:  Grilled tostados

WEDNESDAY:  Spaghetti and garlic bread, green beans, and probably more watermelon

THURSDAY:  Waffles and ice cream

FRIDAY:  Fast Food Friday

SATURDAY:  My mom's birthday - we often get her KFC

SUNDAY:  BBQ Chicken in the crock-pot and maybe some cobbler in the dutch oven

What are you eating?

Just for kicks, I linked up to the party at Finding Joy in My Kitchen this week.


Jeri Dawn said...

I'm not so sure about this baked oatmeal thing that you do on a regular basis. Send me the seems a little weird to me :)

I LOVE your menu plan for this week...we have a couple of BBQ's to go to but I think I will make some Chinese Sticky Chicken this week and some BBQ Quesadias...

Hope you are doing well...why didn't I see you on the 4th?

Jeri Dawn said...

Okay, just kidding, I found your link for the oatmeal. I'm gonna try it!

Shelly said...

I'm learning how to make this work for me. This Friday is payday, so I only have planned up to that point.

I'm learning that I can't assign meals to days. It doesn't work with our spontaneity, especially in the summer. So this is the list I've been choosing from this week:

Tacos/quesadillas (a good standby)

BBQ pork sandwiches with Pringles (on sale last week) and veggies

Peppered Chopped Steak (from my Biggest Loser cookbook), mashed sweet potatoes with a little butter and brown sugar, and veggies

Grilled Chicken Parm (another BL recipe), with whole wheat spaghetti and peas

BBQ chicken, beans, rolls, corn on the cob.

We're doing BBQ chicken tonight. Gotta love the summer dinners.