Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Meal Plan, er ... Tuesday?

I'm back and getting really close to resuming life.  We had a fabulous time at our reunion and the food was delish, if I do say so myself.

It is time to get serious about feeding just my own little family again.  As I worked on my July menu, I tried to pull in meals that could be done on the grill as much as possible.  Our home is only cooled by an evaporative cooler and ceiling fans, so I avoid the oven as much as possible in July and August.

I'm also trying to vary our meat a bit.  I'm a chicken girl.  I like my chicken.  I'll throw in hamburger and beef occasionally.  I am also a fan of meatless meals.  But, I am raising a family of boys who need the experience of eating other meats.  Enter pork and more fish.  We'll see how well they go over.

Here's my week:

MONDAY:  (just for the record)  Pulled beef sandwiches a'la my mom

TUESDAY:  Grilled tilapia and rice

WEDNESDAY:  Steak kabobs

THURSDAY:  Baked oatmeal with strawberries (I love this stuff)

FRIDAY:  Possibly Fast Food Friday, Chinese sounds good right now

SATURDAY:  Homemade pizza

SUNDAY:  Beef Brisket Sandwiches (we are hosting a family dinner)

What are you cooking?

Just to get some more inspiration going, feel free to do a "Did Do List."  Sometimes when I don't feel like I got anything on my "To Do List" done, I create a "Did Do List."  I list off all the things I actually accomplished during the day and I feel much more productive - even if my original list has very few things checked off. 

So, go ahead - join the fun!  Tell us what you ate last week. 

1 comment:

Jeri Dawn said...

I didn't know that other people did "did do" lists. Ha ha.