Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bloggest Loser Day 59

Huge question:

Is it time to let the Bloggest Loser RIP?  I think it's the humane thing to do.  Back to just weekly goals.

Let me know what you think.  Tomorrow is Day 60, which is an ideal place to end.  We can do final weigh ins and start the whole thing back up when more people can participate.  Like me.

Please leave your comment and let me know what you think.


colds1 said...

Hey! I actually lost weight this week! But I do think it would be okay to let it go. Goodness knows I have enough weight to lose that I'll still be lurking once you are ready to play again!

Carina said...

Yes, I don't think it is fair to have you holding the contest when you can't even participate. I did finally weigh in though. I lost .4 lbs over the last 3 weeks. 0.21% weight loss But that was before I gave into the cookie need. Um, let's just say that didn't go as planned. But I have stayed away from the candy mostly. 8~/

Merinda Reeder said...

Yeah, remember "reasonable weight gain" as a goal for me? Bad month.
I can't say about the contest, though, as I've been useless from day 1.

Unknown said...

I'm up for that...

Jeri Dawn said...

I would say that your motivation has gone down the tube. No offense. Yeah, let it die. Start up a blog about healthy dinner recipes and fun ways to stay sane and fit while you are pregnant. We'll all still be here when that baby weight needs to come off (again), and some of your more dedicated friends will be in the same boat!