Monday, October 25, 2010

The Bloggest Loser Day 50 and Weekly Check In

Last week's winner was......


Okay, people.  Time to start weighing in again.  We're just over halfway through!!!  Remember, I'm out of the game, so I live vicariously through YOU!!  Lose weight for me, please.  My gut thanks you.

My goals this week: water, water, water.  And I'd like to make sure I run three days this week.  I missed last Monday.  Ironically, it was the first day after I completed the Couch to 5k.  And the first time I'd missed a day at all in ten weeks.  I think that was more mental than anything else.  Why do I give myself permission to give up?  I've got to change that.  Plus, I'm nearly sure I'll be running the Turkey Trot next month in Syracuse, UT.  I've got a few more details to hash out, but I should be there with my running shoes.  I've got to keep running so I can finish the race without much problem.  I'll be about 12 weeks along by then (give or take a week or two) so I should be able to do it.  Will you?

So despite all the Halloween candy, cookies, and any other yummy holiday treats you can think of, calculate your weight loss and TELL ME ABOUT.  (That's almost a Billy Joel song.)  Any new goals this week?


Merinda Reeder said...

YAHOOO! Way to go Cindy!

Carina said...

Sorry I haven't weighed in for two weeks because we have been out of town and I hate weighing in after I have eaten. I will post soon.

I am thinking about the Turkey Trot more when you say you might come. Crap, does that mean I have to try to run again? I didn't feel very good after just a mile. I am a Wuss!

Goal: Eat cookie. So I get over my NEED to have one. Then I can move on to better goals. :D

colds1 said...

Ok. I don't deserve to win for a 0% loss. But it is the same this week. Sigh. I can only fix one part of my life at a time, so I should be thankful for no gain.