Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bloggest Loser Day 42 and Weekly Goals

This week's Bloggest Loser winner was....

Carina with a loss of 1.37%!

Congratulations, Carina.  And congrats to everyone who actually LOST weight last week. 

I, for one, did not lose weight.  I'm not supposed to be gaining baby weight yet.  No, no.  I'm gaining Birthday weight.  We have yet to learn how NOT to pig out on birthdays.  Last week was Josh's.  Lots of excuses to overeat.  And then Josh got sick.  He had no appetite.  I had no real appetite.  Why the heck would I cook an actual meal that no one was going to eat?  But I have to eat something.  So I eat the ready-made junk food that I shouldn't have bought, but did anyway.  Another wrench thrown in my efforts to be healthy.

Also, this week I completed my Couch to 5k program.  I'm very happy about this.  You may have picked up on that fact since I mentioned it on my other blog and Facebook.  I just need to figure out what to do about it. 

As far as my goals for last week go, besides the cruddy eating and not enough water consuming, I did pretty well.

Goals for this week: Eat more fruit and less junk.  Drink more water.  I feel like I should be wearing a cow costume and holding a sign that reads "Drink mor watr" instead of the usual "Eat mor chikin."  But I don't need to imagine myself as a cow.  Not yet.

So tell me.  How'd you do?  Calculate your weight lost.  Successes?  Challenges?  You know, the drill...


colds1 said...

Hello, zero! You are round and cute and remind me of someone ... oh, me!

Food tracking, food tracking, food tracking, food tracking ...

Carina said...

I haven't posted because I wasn't able to weigh in this week, but I don't want you to feel like you are doing this for nothing.

I will take a guess that I lost when I hiked all over Zions & that I gained when I ate junk food. Actually I ate pretty well. I wanted cookies & shakes, but didn't have either. So I think I did great! Then I got home and had some stomach issues where I could hardly eat anything. You would think that would make me lose, but who knows.

My goal this week is not to eat all of the cookies and shakes I still will want to eat when I am with in-laws this week. They are the ones that made me overeat on July 4th and this time we are actually camping with them. Heaven help me!

Unknown said...

I didn't weigh either... I know, shame on me. I don't know if I'm in a funk or what, but I just haven't been in the mood to find out if I've gained and I don't want to gamble that I've lost and be disappointed. I'll do better though!