Friday, November 5, 2010

Back to Basics

In the Gospel we learn that if you're struggling with some of the bigger issues of doctrine, analyze how you are dealing with the smaller bits of doctrine. 

Having a hard time paying your tithing?  How's your daily praying? 

So it seems to be with so many things in life.  If you struggle with the big stuff, maybe you need to go back to basics.

And that's where I'm heading with this blog.  I've officially signed up to run the Turkey Trot in Syracuse, UT, in two weeks.  I plan to run the entire race.  But how am I supposed to do that when I can't even keep myself on schedule to run three times a week?  How am I going to have the stamina to run in colder weather than I'm used to, while I'm pregnant, and in the first race I've entered since I was in 8th grade?  It's a lot of swallow. 

So I'm going back to basics. 

I'm going to use this blog (once again) to keep myself accountable for my goals.  And the results.  Please feel free to comment, make suggestions, complain, encourage, or just say hi. 

My long-ish term goal: Run 5k on November 20 (in 15 days)
Today's run: 3.04 miles
Today's running time: About 38 minutes
Tomorrow's goal: Run 2 miles

I'm only allowed a total of 60 minutes of exercise time a day.  I'm trying to figure out which would be better -- do I run a little bit everyday with a longer run on Saturdays (starting next week since I had my long run today)?  Or do I run my 5k three days/wk and do a strength training video the other three days/week?  I'd just run, but my back feels so much better when I do strength training and Heaven knows how much my back kills me through pregnancy. 



colds1 said...

My thoughts are run 3 times a week (not necessarily as long as the 5k though) and do your strength training the other days. The race day adrenaline will kick in and you won't have any problems with the race, so keep your muscles strong and ready for that baby.

Crisanne said...

I agree with Cindy completely! Do what you need to do for baby and you first. The Turkey Trot will be fun, and adrenaline will kick in! Wish I could be up there to say hi, we are only 3 hrs away, but will be baptizing Taylor that morning. His big day is going to have to come first. :)