Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Bloggest Loser Day 28 and Weekly Check In

This week's winner in our Bloggest Loser competition is.... (drumroll, please)...

Me!!  With a 1.41% loss. 

This is the first time I've won a week.  Ever.  I'm so happy!

As for the weigh in for this week, I have NO IDEA where I stand.  I'm a scale-aholic.  I step on the scale once a day.  Sometimes more.  It depends on how confident I feel.  Or how masochistic I feel.  Depends on the week.  But this week I just haven't thought about it.  So I'm clueless as to how my weigh in will go this week.  According to my bodybugg I should be on track, but we'll see.

I also had a set back with my shoulder.  I did something to mess it up on Thursday when I was doing my strength training.  Ugh.  It hurts.  Josh told me to lay off the weights for a few days.  I, of course, didn't want to, but I've learned one thing over the years: You always listen to your nurse-husband.

But enough about me.  Tell me how you did this week?  How are your goals coming along?  What did you do well this week?  What was your struggle?  Any new goals to add this week?  Figure out your loss percentage and then tell me all about your week!  I'm bored and need something good to read.


Carina said...

I had a 0.32% weight gain. Not a big deal. I have enjoyed a few ice cream treats with my son on the way back from treatments for his leg. I tried to say I didn't need them, but he said "Come on Mom, you deserve it. You went through WAY more than I did." "What? No I didn't." "Yeah you had to SEE the scary stuff." OK, I guess a sundae sounds good. :~p

Since we share ALL info on here, I will share that after I weighed in I had several BMs (ha, ha TMI) I wanted to run back to WWs to weigh in, but it doesn't work that way and my scale reads wrong at home, so I really want to say I lost at least 2%. There that makes me feel better. ;)

Was that good enough reading for you Shelly? You did say you were bored. :D

Merinda Reeder said...

I'm no competition.
Weight gain of 3 pounds this month, bringing me to 200 lbs even. The midwife says I'm right where I need to be, which is music to my ears.
I liked my O.B.; but I LOVE midwives.
As to goals: I'm adding no more because I'm pretty shaky on the existing goals.
The emergency goal was to get my feet elevated and myself irrigated. I'm happy to report that the dreaded ankle of impending elephant is gladly withdrawn; so I did something right.
I still need more water and more walking.
I'm not here to win, but thanks for letting me post. You all are inspirational to me.

Unknown said...

Bleh, I embarrassing amount. Yep, 5.5 pounds to be exact which translates to a percentage of +3.83%. I'm not pleased with myself at all.

I lost track of all my goals, I've been stressed about financial stuff (we have birthdays and holidays and an awesome trip in January, and car issues, etc., etc., etc.)

I have figured that I handle different stressors, well, differently. Whenever it's financial, I gain and when it's something else, well, I lose.

This week I'm hoping for something better. I hate taking steps back, but I'm already "back in the saddle" with my goals...lots of water, increased activity, etc.

Here's to a great week everyone!

colds1 said...

A goose-egg here. I'm okay with that. I'd rather be losing, but being steady is better than a gain, right?

I'm struggling with my body shape changing right now. Does that happen to others? My stomach seems to get more spare-tire-ish before it lets go of the fat. It will go, it has before and will again.

My baby is 5 months old and I'm 10 pounds from pre-baby weight, which is what I weighed when my last baby was only 6 months old. I have to repeat stuff like that to put it in perspective for me. My body doesn't bounce back fast and I have put it through a lot. Give it time. I hate being patient.