Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Newest Challenge

I've decided to return to Blog Land.  I've written on my personal blog for two days in a row (my newest record) and it's time to get back onto this blog as well.

So, in keeping my tradition of using this blog to write about the challenges and (eventual) successes of being healthy and losing weight, I am prepared to issue a challenge.

The last nine months have wreaked havoc on my body.  To say I've gained a little weight would be an all out lie.  True, I had a baby, but my philosophy during pregnancy is

So I've got lots of extra poundage to lose.

Luckily for me, my baby girl turns 6 weeks old this week and so I can begin exercising again.  Plus, I told myself that I get to continue eating like junk until Sarah turns 6 weeks old and then I have to begin being conscious about my food again.

So this week I change my eating habits back to healthy and start exercising.  Of course, my abdomen is still a little tender.  Three c-sections will do that to you.  I plan to start out slowly but I still needs me a challenge.  And here it is....

The 100 Miles Challenge

I want to walk (and eventually add in running) 100 miles before Labor Day.  I think I can do it.  You're welcome to join my challenge if you'd like.  See how long it takes to run/walk 100 miles.  I hope to report regularly to keep myself in check.

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