Monday, July 2, 2012

It's not happening...

I've made a few miscalculations in my goal for running the July 4th 5K.

Can I run 3 miles straight? Yes.
Can I do it in a fairly decent time? Not really sure, but I'm thinking 36 minutes isn't too horrible.
Can I do it out of doors on asphalt? Oops. No.

I truely didn't comprehend that road running and treadmill running are two completely different animals. Due to little kiddo's at home and Dennis' early work schedule, in order to run it has been the treadmill or not at all.

Last week (before excuse #2 which I am getting to) I took my run outside for just 1 mile. I had 15 min to run down to my sis-in-laws house, change her sprinklers (she was out of town for a week) and run back home. I knew I could leave my kiddos unattended for that long without one of them bossing the others to death, but couldn't push it much longer. So, I ran. And I suffered shin splints and the sorest muscles I have had since week 3 of the couch to 5K. I couldn't believe the difference, and the poor run time. I couldn't figure out how to pace my mile. I took off running, feeling good and then after block 1 realized that I couldn't keep up that pace. So I slowed down, too much. Back up again, back down. How do you keep a consistant pace? I obviously need some advise. So ladies, help me out here!!

Excuse #2:

This is the view I see from my driveway. That is the Seely Mountain fire that has currently burned 20,000 acres and is 10 miles from my home. Our little valley is filled with smoke. We are having to stay indoors for the most part and breathing isn't fun. None of us have asthma or allergies, and it is still hard on our throats and lungs. I'm not wanting to get outside and breathe heavily in this.

So, I'm sticking with the treadmill for a while longer.
I'm feeling like a wimp. A slightly relieved wimp. I'm a touch frightened of making a fool of  myself.
I'm also feeling a bit empowered. I haven't reached my goal. This means that I can't quit running yet. I have to keep going, because this is one goal I WILL achieve.

Edited Friday July 7:     Just so you know, it was a good thing I had decided to not run. Monday the 2nd Dennis came home from work sick. (This NEVER happens. I think this was the second sick day he has taken since we've been married)  Things got more and more painful for him and I took him to the Dr.  Turns out that his appendix didn't like him anymore. He had surgery Monday evening and was released from the hospital Tuesday just before noon. I stayed over with him while Grandpa had the kids. By the time I got him home, went and got his meds, and finally took a shower it was way past time for me to get some sleep. We didn't even get up until 8 am on the 4th - missed the race entirely. Oh well.  I know there is one coming up around Halloween!!