To catch this week's episode of the Biggest Loser, go Here. Or watch below.
Aristotle taught us about hamartia, or the tragic flaw. The one thing that becomes the downfall of a hero/heroine. Usually that flaw is hubris, or pride. So much hubris this week.
First, however, we were introduced to Team 12, the team that just missed coming to the ranch. They got a chance to weigh in and earn a spot on the ranch. Although they both lost a commendable amount of weight (the mom lost 45 lbs in 13 weeks, which is great!), neither of them were able to make it onto the ranch. I hope they bring them back at the finale to weigh in again. I really hope they are able to continue to lose weight and prove to themselves that they can do it.
So now we come to the pop challenge. The ball, rolly thing. It looked hard. I'm glad my immediate future didn't depend on it. The Green Team won and got a 1 minute advantage at the challenge. The Red Team, however, lost and therefore lost their stay at the ranch for the week. So, on my list of things to mention the word "Idiots" came up. Stupid idiots. Jen and Courtney were given a menu and a budget to choose their necessities/luxuries for the week. It included things like food choices, workout options, spa treatments, phone calls home, etc. Idiots. They chose to make their own food (commendable), get gym memberships (understandable), phone calls home (what?), massages (excuse me?), and a night at a restaurant (WTH?). The idea was, "It's week 13, we should know what to do by now." Yes, you've learned a lot. But you've also got years of bad habits, choices and temptations to continue to overcome. They had the chance to "buy" their trainer Brett, but opted not to. If they had kept their food option and gym memberships they would've been able to afford two days with Brett. But no, they thought they needed to pamper themselves. Idiots. Courtney totally should've stood up for herself and gotten Brett for at least one day.
On to the challenge. Easter egg hunting. I love movies. But I think I wouldn't have minded losing this challenge and missing out on going to the world premiere of the movie Hop. But the intrigue of the golden egg was enough to keep it going. Unfortunately, the egg resulted in Olivia having the only vote for the weigh in. A bitter-sweet prize. I wouldn't have wanted it.
In the gym we saw Bob and Jillian tag teaming a bit. Moses asked Jillian if he could box and Jillian helped him realize that he just did something for himself. I like Moses. Bob helped Rulon gain some confidence. Just a side note: Bob always reminds me a little bit of Corey Larsen. And then he wore his jaunty hat. Made me miss my friend. Anyway....
Finally the weigh in came and we finally got to see what all the previews were about. All this talk of Rulon sneaking food. I was expecting him being the goose egg. But first the Blue Team weighed in with a good effort. Again, I like Moses. Irene seems to fly under the radar a lot. We don't know much about her, she rarely makes comments, she doesn't win a lot but she doesn't lose a lot, they didn't even show her video chat with her family the other week. I'd like to get to know her soon.
The Green Team stepped up and proved a much better week than last week. Cara beat the crap out of them this week. I like Cara too. Although her deer-in-the-headlights look always makes me roll my eyes a little.
Next was the Black Team and their sluggish efforts. Jay had a decent weigh in, but has lost some steam. Then Hannah lost nothing. Throw weigh ins much? Then Rulon lost 5 lbs. And the truth came out that he's been off his diet. The previews made it out so much worse than it was. Yes, it's horrible that he's sabotaging himself by neglecting his food plan. He's got some hubris starting to shine through. But I was so glad that he still lost weight and that he admitted his troubles. I can't count how many times I've messed myself up too. I just really, really, really hope he gets fixed by next week.
The Red Team. Any surprises here? The hubris kicked in and kicked Jen out. Between the two of them they only had to lose 6 lbs but Jen's attitude of using the time away from the ranch as a break away from the ranch and Courtney's not wanting to rock the boat got them in the end.
I hope they all step it up next week. One bad week is fine, but now they've got to turn it all around.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Good Old H2O
Water. Do you drink it?
My sister isn't really a fan. She likes bubbles.
I love water. I have to remind myself to drink something else once in a while! My kids only drink water, except for the occasional milk or chocolate milk, and, once in a long time, some root beer.
I don't know why. I think my infatuation with water started in college. I was cheap. Water was essentially free. There you go.
But as I'm delving more and more into my weight loss journey, I did a little reading about water. I've heard many times that drinking water will help you lose weight. I only remembered supposed data saying that water made you feel fuller so you ate less. And that was mostly all I've been able to find in my studying. I've tried that. It didn't work. My thirst was quenched, but I still wanted food!
Today I stumbled on this article. I have no idea who the author is or what her background is, but it gave me some good thoughts to think.
She tells how the liver converts fat to energy (knew that) but that the liver also helps the kidneys do their job when they need help (didn't know that). The kidneys need lots of water to work properly (knew that). So, if we aren't getting enough water in our system, the kidneys can't work efficiently and the liver has to help. This lowers the overall productivity of the liver resulting in less fat converted to energy.
I found that concept so cool. It is something I can FIX! I can totally drink more water (the frequent trips to the restroom do eventually subside ... right?).
I spent so many years under the impression that I couldn't ever really lose a significant amount of weight. I had PCOS (whether I still do is up for debate) which makes it very difficult to lose weight. I had some fat genes. I'd put on significant weight in my early teens and that weight never comes off (someone actually told me that). But no one ever said, "drink water for your kidneys and your liver and you might just lose the weight." I probably wouldn't have believed them, anyway.
So I'm drinking. I aim for a minimum of half my body weight in ounces of water each day. That is more than the suggested minimum of 64 ounces per day. It isn't so bad. I keep a refillable water bottle within reach most of the day and sip away.
Is it working? I'll have to let you know after more testing. But I did lose 2 pounds this week.
My sister isn't really a fan. She likes bubbles.
I love water. I have to remind myself to drink something else once in a while! My kids only drink water, except for the occasional milk or chocolate milk, and, once in a long time, some root beer.
I don't know why. I think my infatuation with water started in college. I was cheap. Water was essentially free. There you go.
But as I'm delving more and more into my weight loss journey, I did a little reading about water. I've heard many times that drinking water will help you lose weight. I only remembered supposed data saying that water made you feel fuller so you ate less. And that was mostly all I've been able to find in my studying. I've tried that. It didn't work. My thirst was quenched, but I still wanted food!
Today I stumbled on this article. I have no idea who the author is or what her background is, but it gave me some good thoughts to think.
She tells how the liver converts fat to energy (knew that) but that the liver also helps the kidneys do their job when they need help (didn't know that). The kidneys need lots of water to work properly (knew that). So, if we aren't getting enough water in our system, the kidneys can't work efficiently and the liver has to help. This lowers the overall productivity of the liver resulting in less fat converted to energy.
I found that concept so cool. It is something I can FIX! I can totally drink more water (the frequent trips to the restroom do eventually subside ... right?).
I spent so many years under the impression that I couldn't ever really lose a significant amount of weight. I had PCOS (whether I still do is up for debate) which makes it very difficult to lose weight. I had some fat genes. I'd put on significant weight in my early teens and that weight never comes off (someone actually told me that). But no one ever said, "drink water for your kidneys and your liver and you might just lose the weight." I probably wouldn't have believed them, anyway.
So I'm drinking. I aim for a minimum of half my body weight in ounces of water each day. That is more than the suggested minimum of 64 ounces per day. It isn't so bad. I keep a refillable water bottle within reach most of the day and sip away.
Is it working? I'll have to let you know after more testing. But I did lose 2 pounds this week.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Meal Plan Monday
I'm back. It feels so much better to be me again. I don't know what caused my funkiness or what really brought me out of it, but I'm just glad it is gone.
This week I've been way TOO proactive about my meals. I have a plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as what our after school snack will be each day. I know ... I should be shot! But I've got a major goal to accomplish in 6 weeks and I need to drop about 10 pounds to do that (maybe I'll share later ... I love a good teaser!). I need to be very aware of what I'm putting in my mouth every day if I'm going to do this. It will also help me provide more variety to my boys' breakfast.
I won't bore you with ALL of my planning, just the dinners. Here they are:
MONDAY: Crock-pot Chicken Curry with green salad and pears.
TUESDAY: Angel Hair Pasta with Chicken and Veggies. (what I make is similar to this, but I usually just use spaghetti noodles) with peaches.
WEDNESDAY: Grilled Lemon Fish with Asparagus (I am NOT a fish eater, but it is supposed to be good for me and, as a parent, it is my responsibility to introduce my children to healthy food. I'm going to try to have one fish meal a week - blech - so any recipes you want to share, would be appreciated.)
THURSDAY: Oatmeal in the crock-pot with blueberries and fruit smoothies
FRIDAY: Subway Night
SUNDAY: Roasted Turkey Breast with something really good, I'm sure
This week I've been way TOO proactive about my meals. I have a plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as what our after school snack will be each day. I know ... I should be shot! But I've got a major goal to accomplish in 6 weeks and I need to drop about 10 pounds to do that (maybe I'll share later ... I love a good teaser!). I need to be very aware of what I'm putting in my mouth every day if I'm going to do this. It will also help me provide more variety to my boys' breakfast.
I won't bore you with ALL of my planning, just the dinners. Here they are:
MONDAY: Crock-pot Chicken Curry with green salad and pears.
TUESDAY: Angel Hair Pasta with Chicken and Veggies. (what I make is similar to this, but I usually just use spaghetti noodles) with peaches.
WEDNESDAY: Grilled Lemon Fish with Asparagus (I am NOT a fish eater, but it is supposed to be good for me and, as a parent, it is my responsibility to introduce my children to healthy food. I'm going to try to have one fish meal a week - blech - so any recipes you want to share, would be appreciated.)
THURSDAY: Oatmeal in the crock-pot with blueberries and fruit smoothies
FRIDAY: Subway Night
SUNDAY: Roasted Turkey Breast with something really good, I'm sure
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Weekly Goals
How was this week? Did you attain your goals?
Last week I checked out the gym. It's going to be interesting. I opted not to pay the millions of dollars for a personal trainer (not the real price, just an approximation) but the classes will be fun and I'm looking forward to really getting into it.
My eating went okay. I did eat some of my simple carbs when I made calzone with Pillsbury pizza dough. I don't really feel too bad about it, though, because it was a fun new recipe and it tasted good. But overall, it was a good week.
And I'm hoping next week is even better: 3 days at the gym, journal my food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep.
How did you do? Any new/standing goals?
Last week I checked out the gym. It's going to be interesting. I opted not to pay the millions of dollars for a personal trainer (not the real price, just an approximation) but the classes will be fun and I'm looking forward to really getting into it.
My eating went okay. I did eat some of my simple carbs when I made calzone with Pillsbury pizza dough. I don't really feel too bad about it, though, because it was a fun new recipe and it tasted good. But overall, it was a good week.
And I'm hoping next week is even better: 3 days at the gym, journal my food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep.
How did you do? Any new/standing goals?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This Week on the Biggest Loser
For this week's episode, go Here or watch below:
My eyes began watering in the episode and they kept watering on and off throughout. I think there were several moments of realization throughout the week. Unfortunately, there was a lot drama at the weigh in that overshadowed a lot of that.
First the one team was split into four teams: Green (Cara), Red (Brett), Black (Jillian), and Blue (Bob). I was expecting a temptation for power so one person could decide everyone's fate. But I actually liked that it was random. The teams seemed pretty well matched. Not much of a chance for any "but we're the weaker link" whining. The Black Team came up a person short and were given the task of choosing their teammate from the eliminated players.
Each team was taken off of the ranch and got a workout somewhere else. Bob took his team to a gym (I missed if it was chosen for a specific reason) and ran a spinnng class. Jillian invited her team to her beach house. Brett took his team out to a field. That sounds worse than it actually was. And Cara took her team to a boxing gym. My eyes watered a bit over Rulon's admissions to Jillian. I think it's not uncommon for people to feel unworthy of their spouse. I got teary over Justin's self-realization. Sort of the same thing Crisanne wrote about two posts before this.
The challenge of holding the weights over their heads..... that looked tough. I'd rather have the mud or sand. I did like the whole fire thing. That made it look rebelliously cool. And it was here that we learned that the Black Team chose Jay as their third member. The main choices seemed to be either Jay or Arthur. I, personally, was glad to see Jay. Arthur could've used more help from the ranch, but Jay was a more worthy competitor. The Red Team won, but gave their prize (video chats with family) to the Blue Team, who had come in second. It was nice of them to do.
The video chats were touching. Watching Olivia's husband get emotional was enough to start some waterworks again. And then Moses. I love his wife. She said just what I hope I would have. It's no wonder Moses has been so focused so far.
So let's get to the drama. Jay weighed in well. Was he the biggest loser of the night? He might have been. Some other people had a good night. Others struggled. Then we got to the Green Team and Kaylee was confident in her plan to throw the weigh in. She wanted to go home, as in she wanted to be the next person gone. She lost nothing. Austin lost 3 lbs and Ken lost the exact amount he needed to to save the team. What the heck was going on here? Kaylee wanted to be voted off. That way she would be the only one to go. Ken didn't want to throw the weigh in. Kaylee was told she could leave if she wanted to, but if she did someone on the Red Team would still be voted off. It was like butting heads all over the place. And what was with Brett telling Ken that what goes around comes around? Contradicting expectations were everywhere.
The worst part was that Courtney and Justin were put up on the chopping block. I'm not surprised that Justin encouraged everyone to keep Courtney (she has lost 201 lbs, holy smokes!) but I'm shocked that the vote came between the two of them. I'm always glad when they show the "Where are they now" segment at the end because you can usually see that the people are fine, because the shock of the vote is so sad. But I did hope to see Justin during Make Over Week. I'll just keep looking forward to seeing Austin during that week.
I made the mistake of watching the preview for next week. If you like to wait and be surprised then I won't say any details. But it does look like morale is slipping all over the place. That doesn't bode well for the long term goals of losing and maintaining weight.
What did you think?
My eyes began watering in the episode and they kept watering on and off throughout. I think there were several moments of realization throughout the week. Unfortunately, there was a lot drama at the weigh in that overshadowed a lot of that.
First the one team was split into four teams: Green (Cara), Red (Brett), Black (Jillian), and Blue (Bob). I was expecting a temptation for power so one person could decide everyone's fate. But I actually liked that it was random. The teams seemed pretty well matched. Not much of a chance for any "but we're the weaker link" whining. The Black Team came up a person short and were given the task of choosing their teammate from the eliminated players.
Each team was taken off of the ranch and got a workout somewhere else. Bob took his team to a gym (I missed if it was chosen for a specific reason) and ran a spinnng class. Jillian invited her team to her beach house. Brett took his team out to a field. That sounds worse than it actually was. And Cara took her team to a boxing gym. My eyes watered a bit over Rulon's admissions to Jillian. I think it's not uncommon for people to feel unworthy of their spouse. I got teary over Justin's self-realization. Sort of the same thing Crisanne wrote about two posts before this.
The challenge of holding the weights over their heads..... that looked tough. I'd rather have the mud or sand. I did like the whole fire thing. That made it look rebelliously cool. And it was here that we learned that the Black Team chose Jay as their third member. The main choices seemed to be either Jay or Arthur. I, personally, was glad to see Jay. Arthur could've used more help from the ranch, but Jay was a more worthy competitor. The Red Team won, but gave their prize (video chats with family) to the Blue Team, who had come in second. It was nice of them to do.
The video chats were touching. Watching Olivia's husband get emotional was enough to start some waterworks again. And then Moses. I love his wife. She said just what I hope I would have. It's no wonder Moses has been so focused so far.
So let's get to the drama. Jay weighed in well. Was he the biggest loser of the night? He might have been. Some other people had a good night. Others struggled. Then we got to the Green Team and Kaylee was confident in her plan to throw the weigh in. She wanted to go home, as in she wanted to be the next person gone. She lost nothing. Austin lost 3 lbs and Ken lost the exact amount he needed to to save the team. What the heck was going on here? Kaylee wanted to be voted off. That way she would be the only one to go. Ken didn't want to throw the weigh in. Kaylee was told she could leave if she wanted to, but if she did someone on the Red Team would still be voted off. It was like butting heads all over the place. And what was with Brett telling Ken that what goes around comes around? Contradicting expectations were everywhere.
The worst part was that Courtney and Justin were put up on the chopping block. I'm not surprised that Justin encouraged everyone to keep Courtney (she has lost 201 lbs, holy smokes!) but I'm shocked that the vote came between the two of them. I'm always glad when they show the "Where are they now" segment at the end because you can usually see that the people are fine, because the shock of the vote is so sad. But I did hope to see Justin during Make Over Week. I'll just keep looking forward to seeing Austin during that week.
I made the mistake of watching the preview for next week. If you like to wait and be surprised then I won't say any details. But it does look like morale is slipping all over the place. That doesn't bode well for the long term goals of losing and maintaining weight.
What did you think?
Letting Go
I was up a pound and a half this week. I was very disheartened when I stepped off the scale. I wasn't perfect this last week, but I certainly wasn't off enough to justify 1.5 pounds!
I moped. I folded laundry and did many of my other morning tasks in a bad mood. My whole world has been a bad mood lately. I've found the negative in everything. I'm a horrible mother and wife and friend and Mormon ... Nothing has been good.
When I finally got on the computer to input my breakfast, it asked for my weight since it knows today is my weigh-in day. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I put in that number. The computer came back with this:
I could hear the voice in my head. It was saying, "So what? Let it go. You know you could make some changes. Let the rest go."
I need to let things go. That is why my heart hasn't been happy ... I've been holding all this bad energy and bad thoughts around it. It hasn't had room to breathe and grow. That's where those 1.5 pounds came from ... the bad energy is weighing me down, quite literally.
Letting go isn't just about weight loss. We can't be the women we are meant to be if we don't let go. We can't change the entire world ... but we can change our own little part of it. We can't change our spouses ... but we can change the way we treat them. We can't change the choices our children make ... but we can teach them about consequences. We can't change the challenges the Lord allows in our lives ... but we can pray for more strength to conquer them.
I need to let go.
I attended a Seven Habits of Highly Effective People class years ago (which I loved ... and they served the best food, but I digress). One of the key things I remember from the class is our Circle of Influence. We all have things that we care about or are concerned about, but there is only so much we can really do. The area that we have influence over is much smaller than most of us would like. If I want to be happy and un-stressed, I have to accept that, while I care about something, I may not be able to influence it one way or the other.
How am I tying this back to weight loss? I have no control over my hormones or what my female cycles might do to my weight loss. I care about it, certainly, but I have no control. I can eat right and exercise and drink my water, but I have no control over what a stressful week might do to the scale. I can do everything right but that doesn't mean my body will respond how I want it to.
I need to let it go. I need to do my best and accept that my best is pretty darn good. I can care about a gazillion things, but I can only influence so many. Bad things happen to good people. Weight gains are part of the weight loss journey. And that is okay.
I moped. I folded laundry and did many of my other morning tasks in a bad mood. My whole world has been a bad mood lately. I've found the negative in everything. I'm a horrible mother and wife and friend and Mormon ... Nothing has been good.
When I finally got on the computer to input my breakfast, it asked for my weight since it knows today is my weigh-in day. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I put in that number. The computer came back with this:
So, you gained a little bit this week.
Gaining is a normal part of the process and can happen for a lot of reasons.
Look back at this week and see what you might be able to change; then let go of what you can't. The best thing to do is focus on making this coming week a success.
Gaining is a normal part of the process and can happen for a lot of reasons.
Look back at this week and see what you might be able to change; then let go of what you can't. The best thing to do is focus on making this coming week a success.
I could hear the voice in my head. It was saying, "So what? Let it go. You know you could make some changes. Let the rest go."
I need to let things go. That is why my heart hasn't been happy ... I've been holding all this bad energy and bad thoughts around it. It hasn't had room to breathe and grow. That's where those 1.5 pounds came from ... the bad energy is weighing me down, quite literally.
Letting go isn't just about weight loss. We can't be the women we are meant to be if we don't let go. We can't change the entire world ... but we can change our own little part of it. We can't change our spouses ... but we can change the way we treat them. We can't change the choices our children make ... but we can teach them about consequences. We can't change the challenges the Lord allows in our lives ... but we can pray for more strength to conquer them.
I need to let go.
I attended a Seven Habits of Highly Effective People class years ago (which I loved ... and they served the best food, but I digress). One of the key things I remember from the class is our Circle of Influence. We all have things that we care about or are concerned about, but there is only so much we can really do. The area that we have influence over is much smaller than most of us would like. If I want to be happy and un-stressed, I have to accept that, while I care about something, I may not be able to influence it one way or the other.
How am I tying this back to weight loss? I have no control over my hormones or what my female cycles might do to my weight loss. I care about it, certainly, but I have no control. I can eat right and exercise and drink my water, but I have no control over what a stressful week might do to the scale. I can do everything right but that doesn't mean my body will respond how I want it to.
I need to let it go. I need to do my best and accept that my best is pretty darn good. I can care about a gazillion things, but I can only influence so many. Bad things happen to good people. Weight gains are part of the weight loss journey. And that is okay.
Loving Ourselves and Others
Over the past 3 week I have been pondering on Cindy's March 2 post "10 Factor that play a key role in weight gain". I came to realize that while I can improve in all 10 areas, (well, drinking my calories really isn't a problem. soda burns way too much going down for me to enjoy!) the area I really need to focus on was #!.
People with weight gain problems usually,
1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and well being.
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.
Oh, I can justify it.
These past few weeks we have been potty training. (Yes, I wait until my boys are 3 1/2 to do it. I don't want to hear any crap about it either. They are boys. They are not the tallest kids in the world. Boys HAVE to be a certain height before they can successfully pee into the toilet. Step stools make a bigger mess than is worth my sanity. Rant over. Moving on.)
We have had numerous trips to the dentist. Must be done in the morning. Must be done before big kids are home from school. Must do during scheduled exercise time.
School volunteering. I spend an entire morning of my week volunteering in 3 different classrooms. And then there is PTA. What is the point of the PTA? Do they really do anything besides send home annoying fund raisers? I guess I'll be finding out. Say hello to next years PTA Treasurer.
Not to mention church callings. I love how I can constantly hear in Church Leadership trainings that we should not be asking both parents in a family to have highly demanding callings that take them away from family time. Hmm.... Elders Quorum President and YW 2nd Counselor must not be very demanding.
So, how do I fix all this?
We have mixed up all our YW lessons for this year, and Lesson #40 came up to be taught; Loving Ourselves and Others. Fine. This one shouldn't be a big deal. They are 12 year olds. Half of them don't know who they are, the other half think they hate themselves. Just emphasize that they all feel this way, and that they are all Daughters of God. At some point they will finally believe me and their parents.
With this attitude it was probably good that I didn't wind up teaching this lesson!
I actually learned quite a bit here. I don't like being humbled, but obviously need it.
The first point to be made to the YW was, "A person who feels good about herself is happier and better able to serve others." True. When I am happy my children and husband are also much happier.
2nd point. "It is sometimes difficult to accept the idea that we need to love ourselves. We might wonder how we can love ourselves without being conceited." Now, I know when I was 12 I was just struggling to love myself. I didn't care about seeming conceited simply because I had no confidence in myself. Now it's a different story. I do know that I am someone special. I know I am a Daughter of God. I know I have talents and abilities. I know that I have a husband and family who love me unconditionally. I have quite a bit of self confidence. How do you not be conceited? Here's the kicker. "Proper love for oneself is not conceit or pride. A person who loves herself in the right way knows that she is a child of God, that God loves her, and that she has many talents. But she know that other people are also children of God and that she should use her talents to serve them."
"If you truly love yourself, you will remember that you are a physical, mental and spiritual being. Loving yourself as God wants you to means that you use wisdom in protecting your life and conserving your health in order to complete your mission on earth...
"Comparing yourself to others can... result in either feelings of inferiority or superiority.... Accept yourself as the unique person that you are without comparing yourself to others. Doing this will help you love yourself properly without conceit" (Clark Swain, "Q&A" New Era, Mar. 1979).
3rd point. "When we have learned to love ourselves, we are then better prepared to extend love to others. If we esteem ourselves, we can then esteem others."
Last point. "As we show our love for others through our words and actions, we feel better about ourselves. The more we love others, the easier it is to love ourselves."
The first time I read through this last point I got frustrated. "My entire problem with trying to take care of myself is that I am taking care of everyone else and I don't have time for me!" Oops. I missed something. So I read through the lesson again, and again.
Guess what. I finally got it. I NEED to take time for me. It is NOT selfish. It is NOT being conceited. It is important that I feel good about myself so I can properly serve others. If what I need to feel good about myself is to exercise first thing in the morning, then that is what needs to happen. I can always finish the dishes and vacuum after I exercise. If I need to keep a chart of my daily food intake in order to really keep track, I need to keep it out where it can been seen, and not care that EVERYONE can see it. I need to make sure I take the time to dress up during the day, and then freshen up just before Dennis gets home from work. It is NOT vanity to look good for my husband.
My goal for the next while, until it becomes a habit, prioritize my own health and well being. And learn to not feel guilty.
People with weight gain problems usually,
1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and well being.
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.
Oh, I can justify it.
These past few weeks we have been potty training. (Yes, I wait until my boys are 3 1/2 to do it. I don't want to hear any crap about it either. They are boys. They are not the tallest kids in the world. Boys HAVE to be a certain height before they can successfully pee into the toilet. Step stools make a bigger mess than is worth my sanity. Rant over. Moving on.)
We have had numerous trips to the dentist. Must be done in the morning. Must be done before big kids are home from school. Must do during scheduled exercise time.
School volunteering. I spend an entire morning of my week volunteering in 3 different classrooms. And then there is PTA. What is the point of the PTA? Do they really do anything besides send home annoying fund raisers? I guess I'll be finding out. Say hello to next years PTA Treasurer.
Not to mention church callings. I love how I can constantly hear in Church Leadership trainings that we should not be asking both parents in a family to have highly demanding callings that take them away from family time. Hmm.... Elders Quorum President and YW 2nd Counselor must not be very demanding.
So, how do I fix all this?
We have mixed up all our YW lessons for this year, and Lesson #40 came up to be taught; Loving Ourselves and Others. Fine. This one shouldn't be a big deal. They are 12 year olds. Half of them don't know who they are, the other half think they hate themselves. Just emphasize that they all feel this way, and that they are all Daughters of God. At some point they will finally believe me and their parents.
With this attitude it was probably good that I didn't wind up teaching this lesson!
I actually learned quite a bit here. I don't like being humbled, but obviously need it.
The first point to be made to the YW was, "A person who feels good about herself is happier and better able to serve others." True. When I am happy my children and husband are also much happier.
2nd point. "It is sometimes difficult to accept the idea that we need to love ourselves. We might wonder how we can love ourselves without being conceited." Now, I know when I was 12 I was just struggling to love myself. I didn't care about seeming conceited simply because I had no confidence in myself. Now it's a different story. I do know that I am someone special. I know I am a Daughter of God. I know I have talents and abilities. I know that I have a husband and family who love me unconditionally. I have quite a bit of self confidence. How do you not be conceited? Here's the kicker. "Proper love for oneself is not conceit or pride. A person who loves herself in the right way knows that she is a child of God, that God loves her, and that she has many talents. But she know that other people are also children of God and that she should use her talents to serve them."
"If you truly love yourself, you will remember that you are a physical, mental and spiritual being. Loving yourself as God wants you to means that you use wisdom in protecting your life and conserving your health in order to complete your mission on earth...
"Comparing yourself to others can... result in either feelings of inferiority or superiority.... Accept yourself as the unique person that you are without comparing yourself to others. Doing this will help you love yourself properly without conceit" (Clark Swain, "Q&A" New Era, Mar. 1979).
3rd point. "When we have learned to love ourselves, we are then better prepared to extend love to others. If we esteem ourselves, we can then esteem others."
Last point. "As we show our love for others through our words and actions, we feel better about ourselves. The more we love others, the easier it is to love ourselves."
The first time I read through this last point I got frustrated. "My entire problem with trying to take care of myself is that I am taking care of everyone else and I don't have time for me!" Oops. I missed something. So I read through the lesson again, and again.
Guess what. I finally got it. I NEED to take time for me. It is NOT selfish. It is NOT being conceited. It is important that I feel good about myself so I can properly serve others. If what I need to feel good about myself is to exercise first thing in the morning, then that is what needs to happen. I can always finish the dishes and vacuum after I exercise. If I need to keep a chart of my daily food intake in order to really keep track, I need to keep it out where it can been seen, and not care that EVERYONE can see it. I need to make sure I take the time to dress up during the day, and then freshen up just before Dennis gets home from work. It is NOT vanity to look good for my husband.
My goal for the next while, until it becomes a habit, prioritize my own health and well being. And learn to not feel guilty.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Meal Plan Monday Blahs
I've mentioned before that I do a rough draft of my menu monthly. I opened my file today, looked at what I'd tentatively put down, and screwed up my face. None of it sounded appealing.
That's okay. I'm more than happy to make changes. My problem is that NOTHING sounds appealing. I thought about all the meals I make. Nothing. I thought about the meals I know that other people make. NOTHING. I thought about meals I get at restaurants. Nope. Nothing.
This is a problem. I have a husband and four little boys who need to eat. Every day. Every day I have to provide them with meals. It is terribly difficult for me to make meals when nothing sounds good.
So, I don't know what we'll really be eating this week. If I had no concerns about nutrition or health, we'd be having brownies a'la mode all week and maybe the occasional tater tot. But I do have concerns about the healthiness of the meals I give my children and I am still working to lose weight. So the brownies and tater tots are out.
Here is what I'd originally thought we'd be eating. I doubt any of it is right. Okay. I'm sure we'll have pizza. That's a given around here.
MONDAY: Pizza Pasta (also known as baked ziti, but my boys will eat anything called pizza so we changed the name)
TUESDAY: Baked Potato Bar
WEDNESDAY: Tuna Noodle Casserole
THURSDAY: German Pancakes
FRIDAY: Take-out Chinese
SUNDAY: Roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock-pot
That's okay. I'm more than happy to make changes. My problem is that NOTHING sounds appealing. I thought about all the meals I make. Nothing. I thought about the meals I know that other people make. NOTHING. I thought about meals I get at restaurants. Nope. Nothing.
This is a problem. I have a husband and four little boys who need to eat. Every day. Every day I have to provide them with meals. It is terribly difficult for me to make meals when nothing sounds good.
So, I don't know what we'll really be eating this week. If I had no concerns about nutrition or health, we'd be having brownies a'la mode all week and maybe the occasional tater tot. But I do have concerns about the healthiness of the meals I give my children and I am still working to lose weight. So the brownies and tater tots are out.
Here is what I'd originally thought we'd be eating. I doubt any of it is right. Okay. I'm sure we'll have pizza. That's a given around here.
MONDAY: Pizza Pasta (also known as baked ziti, but my boys will eat anything called pizza so we changed the name)
TUESDAY: Baked Potato Bar
WEDNESDAY: Tuna Noodle Casserole
THURSDAY: German Pancakes
FRIDAY: Take-out Chinese
SUNDAY: Roast, potatoes, and carrots in the crock-pot
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Weekly Goals
How did your week go? I can tell you that I survived my week, which was my only goal. I knew I'd eat like junk (and I did) and I knew I'd skip my exercising (and I did) and I knew my whole routine would be off (and it was). But the bathtub is in place. Now we just have to find the time to finish the tiling.
This week I have a different goal. Change is supposed to be good, right?
About a week ago I bought a gym pass from a friend of mine. It's a 3 month pass and it cost me $20. Since a single month costs $29, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try something new and shake things up.
So tomorrow I'm going to the gym for the first time. It's the beginning of my 3 month weight loss stint. While I become a gym-goer I'm also going to cut stuff out of my diet. I did this a while ago and had great success in eating so much healthier. So during the next three months my goals are: go to the gym regularly (this week we'll see what "regularly" might mean), and cut out simple carbs, pop, and fatty foods. I've learned that I need strict structure to lose weight and I haven't had that lately. It's time for change. And I think I'm ready.
What about you? What are your goals this week? How did you do last week?
This week I have a different goal. Change is supposed to be good, right?
About a week ago I bought a gym pass from a friend of mine. It's a 3 month pass and it cost me $20. Since a single month costs $29, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try something new and shake things up.
So tomorrow I'm going to the gym for the first time. It's the beginning of my 3 month weight loss stint. While I become a gym-goer I'm also going to cut stuff out of my diet. I did this a while ago and had great success in eating so much healthier. So during the next three months my goals are: go to the gym regularly (this week we'll see what "regularly" might mean), and cut out simple carbs, pop, and fatty foods. I've learned that I need strict structure to lose weight and I haven't had that lately. It's time for change. And I think I'm ready.
What about you? What are your goals this week? How did you do last week?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
This Week on the Biggest Loser
In case you missed Tuesday's episode of Biggest Loser, click Here. Or watch it below.
This week we saw a new/old twist. Once before this season we've seen the possibility of no elimination if a certain weight goal was reached. But this time, everyone was put on the same team: the Blue Team. The total amount to beat: 64 lbs.
Anyone else kind of confused by this? When I watch twists like this, I can't help but wonder about the motivation of the producers. Was this challenge created to encourage unity and support within the house or was it to create tension and strengthen the animosity between Red and Black?
I would really hope that it's the first. But the Red vs Black mentality still lingered. I think everyone was guarded since no one ever knows what's going to happen next week.
The cooking challenge was fun. I thought it was good to mix up the couples teamed together. But, again, I wondered if the motive was unity or fueling the rivalry. Luckily, everyone was nice and helpful. Really, throughout the week everyone was nice and helpful, but there was always that sense of them vs us. Anyway, Curtis Stone and Lorena Garcia showed up as guest judges and voted Moses and Olivia as the winners with Baked Cod with Asparagus. Click the link for that and the other recipes as well.
The challenge consisted of following and pulling ropes out of sand. I thought it looked so fun. Last week a challenge in the mud, this week one in the sand. Makes me miss the good old days of Mud Olympics in high school and playing sand volleyball with drunk airmen at the military base family days. What? Not everyone did that one? Well, it was fun. The team had to complete the challenge within an hour and a half in order to gain a 5 lb advantage at the weigh in. However, if even one person was left behind the finish line, the entire team would be given a 5 lb disadvantage. Could they have come any closer to losing it? They finished with 6 second to spare. Holy cow. So that brought the total weight to lose down to 59 lbs.
During the week we saw the trainers taking on the players they hadn't worked with yet. Anyone else a bit annoyed with the whole attitude of "Jillian and Bob are the only good trainers"? But, I did love seeing Bob take Rulon under his wing. I do love Bob. And to have him and Rulon have a chance to work together was fun to see. And I loved watching Cara take on the girls. I think it would be amazing to train with Cara. I can't handle people touching my head. It's something that I've come to learn and accept about myself. So I can't imagine someone punching me there. But the rest of it seems like it would be fun and I like kickboxing on the videos I have.
And then the weigh in. No one had huge numbers, but nearly everyone had a decent week. I'd kill to lose 4 or 5 lbs in a week and have it not be a fluke. But everyone was upset because they needed an average of 5 lbs per person and weren't quite getting there. Rulon, Ken and Austin all struck a 7 lb loss a piece. Finally it got to the smaller women. Marci went up and pulled a 0. No real surprise. Earlier in the episode Dr H told Marci that she's at her ideal weight and now needs to learn to maintain. But Kaylee hit a 2+. She's swung from little weeks to big ones. I'm glad the trainers want to help her learn balance. Send some of that lesson my way, please.
In the end, the goal was not met. And in true After School Special form, Marci graciously bowed out and sacrificed herself for the good of the "kids." I really, really wish she had done it because she's reached her goal, though. But, everyone was crying over her leaving. I'm sure there's more to the story than what we know and see. It's probably different when you spend 24/7 with the same people for weeks at a time. But it just seemed to be the same martyr/parent thing yet again. Maybe with Marci gone it will be easier for Moses to be a good example of how to be a loving, supportive parent.
So it's so long, Marci. I do hope you're able to maintain your weight. But I can't say I'll miss you.
This week we saw a new/old twist. Once before this season we've seen the possibility of no elimination if a certain weight goal was reached. But this time, everyone was put on the same team: the Blue Team. The total amount to beat: 64 lbs.
Anyone else kind of confused by this? When I watch twists like this, I can't help but wonder about the motivation of the producers. Was this challenge created to encourage unity and support within the house or was it to create tension and strengthen the animosity between Red and Black?
I would really hope that it's the first. But the Red vs Black mentality still lingered. I think everyone was guarded since no one ever knows what's going to happen next week.
The cooking challenge was fun. I thought it was good to mix up the couples teamed together. But, again, I wondered if the motive was unity or fueling the rivalry. Luckily, everyone was nice and helpful. Really, throughout the week everyone was nice and helpful, but there was always that sense of them vs us. Anyway, Curtis Stone and Lorena Garcia showed up as guest judges and voted Moses and Olivia as the winners with Baked Cod with Asparagus. Click the link for that and the other recipes as well.
The challenge consisted of following and pulling ropes out of sand. I thought it looked so fun. Last week a challenge in the mud, this week one in the sand. Makes me miss the good old days of Mud Olympics in high school and playing sand volleyball with drunk airmen at the military base family days. What? Not everyone did that one? Well, it was fun. The team had to complete the challenge within an hour and a half in order to gain a 5 lb advantage at the weigh in. However, if even one person was left behind the finish line, the entire team would be given a 5 lb disadvantage. Could they have come any closer to losing it? They finished with 6 second to spare. Holy cow. So that brought the total weight to lose down to 59 lbs.
During the week we saw the trainers taking on the players they hadn't worked with yet. Anyone else a bit annoyed with the whole attitude of "Jillian and Bob are the only good trainers"? But, I did love seeing Bob take Rulon under his wing. I do love Bob. And to have him and Rulon have a chance to work together was fun to see. And I loved watching Cara take on the girls. I think it would be amazing to train with Cara. I can't handle people touching my head. It's something that I've come to learn and accept about myself. So I can't imagine someone punching me there. But the rest of it seems like it would be fun and I like kickboxing on the videos I have.
And then the weigh in. No one had huge numbers, but nearly everyone had a decent week. I'd kill to lose 4 or 5 lbs in a week and have it not be a fluke. But everyone was upset because they needed an average of 5 lbs per person and weren't quite getting there. Rulon, Ken and Austin all struck a 7 lb loss a piece. Finally it got to the smaller women. Marci went up and pulled a 0. No real surprise. Earlier in the episode Dr H told Marci that she's at her ideal weight and now needs to learn to maintain. But Kaylee hit a 2+. She's swung from little weeks to big ones. I'm glad the trainers want to help her learn balance. Send some of that lesson my way, please.
In the end, the goal was not met. And in true After School Special form, Marci graciously bowed out and sacrificed herself for the good of the "kids." I really, really wish she had done it because she's reached her goal, though. But, everyone was crying over her leaving. I'm sure there's more to the story than what we know and see. It's probably different when you spend 24/7 with the same people for weeks at a time. But it just seemed to be the same martyr/parent thing yet again. Maybe with Marci gone it will be easier for Moses to be a good example of how to be a loving, supportive parent.
So it's so long, Marci. I do hope you're able to maintain your weight. But I can't say I'll miss you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Last Week on the Biggest Loser
To see the episode from last week, go Here or watch below.
This last week the alliances reared in full force. It seems that the alliances this season are greater in magnitude than in the past. Before there have been three, maybe four, people in cahoots with each other. Now it's as many as 6 at a time. That's a huge alliance. And it's proven to be the only way to keep people safe or ensure their demise.
So this week saw captains coming into play. It was no surprise to see Justin take the captain role on the Red Team. He continually stepped up to challenge or encourage everyone throughout the season so far. But I wasn't all that thrilled with the idea of Marci as the captain for the Black Team. Her leadership skills depend on martyrdom and parental guilt. She's the captain by default because all of the other parents (and the Black
Team depends on parents to keep the "kids" alive) have already sacrificed themselves. Maybe I'm still bitter from a few weeks ago when the parents all bullied Jesse into sacrificing himself and then they threw the weigh in so they could self sacrifice rather than work really hard to beat the Red Team. That still irks me and it still bugs me that they've been allowed to have this mentality for so long. Um, Bob, Jill, need you guys to see what's going on and slap your team around a bit until they realize that they're just setting themselves up for failure at home.
The challenge looked like fun. Playing in the mud is always a great way to spend time. I don't blame Courtney for being upset that she had to sit it out. Where was Marci's brain on that one? If poor Ken hadn't struggled so much on the other team, it would've been very obvious that Courtney should've played. But, as usual, I groaned when the Red Team didn't win.
What about the challenge of one cook per team? I thought it was hilarious that Olivia (or was it Hannah?) thought she understood now how the "mothers of America" feel. That still makes me chuckle. A) She had no children crawling all over her as she prepped and cooked. B) She had no husband wanting her attention. C) She got to put a spin bike in the kitchen (not all of us have equipment at home). And D) She had no housework, bills, job, cleaning, or kid pick up/drop off to do as well. Maybe she got a glimpse of one aspect of mothers trying to lose weight, but it was limited. I think her 2 lbs lost is very decent for missing so much time in the gym and it makes those little victories at home that much more obvious.
So the weigh in. The Red Team finally got some good numbers in. Remember at the beginning of the season how they absolutely dominated? That over-abundant weight loss isn't going to happen for them anymore because their bodies are getting fit again. But to see higher numbers was a nice change.
The Black Team struggled. They had great numbers the previous week, so it's really no surprise. But here's where the alliances came back into play. Marci couldn't sacrifice herself like she'd ignorantly hoped. I called it from the moment she stepped on the scale. You can't be her size, lose five pounds, and then be shocked that you're the biggest loser of the week. But the alliance got rid of Sarah because she wasn't originally one of theirs. In my opinion, it was just as sad to see her go as it was Arthur. She needed to stay and continue to build her confidence and muscle strength. The girl lost most of her muscles after a car accident that left her unable to walk. She was doing well, she took the chance of doing something different by going to the Black Team, and ultimately the alliance kicked her out. If the Black Team complains one more time about the Red Team sending someone home who was not "one of their own" I think I'll barf.
What did you think?
This last week the alliances reared in full force. It seems that the alliances this season are greater in magnitude than in the past. Before there have been three, maybe four, people in cahoots with each other. Now it's as many as 6 at a time. That's a huge alliance. And it's proven to be the only way to keep people safe or ensure their demise.
So this week saw captains coming into play. It was no surprise to see Justin take the captain role on the Red Team. He continually stepped up to challenge or encourage everyone throughout the season so far. But I wasn't all that thrilled with the idea of Marci as the captain for the Black Team. Her leadership skills depend on martyrdom and parental guilt. She's the captain by default because all of the other parents (and the Black
Team depends on parents to keep the "kids" alive) have already sacrificed themselves. Maybe I'm still bitter from a few weeks ago when the parents all bullied Jesse into sacrificing himself and then they threw the weigh in so they could self sacrifice rather than work really hard to beat the Red Team. That still irks me and it still bugs me that they've been allowed to have this mentality for so long. Um, Bob, Jill, need you guys to see what's going on and slap your team around a bit until they realize that they're just setting themselves up for failure at home.
The challenge looked like fun. Playing in the mud is always a great way to spend time. I don't blame Courtney for being upset that she had to sit it out. Where was Marci's brain on that one? If poor Ken hadn't struggled so much on the other team, it would've been very obvious that Courtney should've played. But, as usual, I groaned when the Red Team didn't win.
What about the challenge of one cook per team? I thought it was hilarious that Olivia (or was it Hannah?) thought she understood now how the "mothers of America" feel. That still makes me chuckle. A) She had no children crawling all over her as she prepped and cooked. B) She had no husband wanting her attention. C) She got to put a spin bike in the kitchen (not all of us have equipment at home). And D) She had no housework, bills, job, cleaning, or kid pick up/drop off to do as well. Maybe she got a glimpse of one aspect of mothers trying to lose weight, but it was limited. I think her 2 lbs lost is very decent for missing so much time in the gym and it makes those little victories at home that much more obvious.
So the weigh in. The Red Team finally got some good numbers in. Remember at the beginning of the season how they absolutely dominated? That over-abundant weight loss isn't going to happen for them anymore because their bodies are getting fit again. But to see higher numbers was a nice change.
The Black Team struggled. They had great numbers the previous week, so it's really no surprise. But here's where the alliances came back into play. Marci couldn't sacrifice herself like she'd ignorantly hoped. I called it from the moment she stepped on the scale. You can't be her size, lose five pounds, and then be shocked that you're the biggest loser of the week. But the alliance got rid of Sarah because she wasn't originally one of theirs. In my opinion, it was just as sad to see her go as it was Arthur. She needed to stay and continue to build her confidence and muscle strength. The girl lost most of her muscles after a car accident that left her unable to walk. She was doing well, she took the chance of doing something different by going to the Black Team, and ultimately the alliance kicked her out. If the Black Team complains one more time about the Red Team sending someone home who was not "one of their own" I think I'll barf.
What did you think?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Weekly Goals
Two weeks ago I made some specific goals. Seeing as how it's taken me an extra week to get back into Blog Land, you may be able to imagine how my last two weeks went.
Really, I tried to accomplish all my goals, but I just didn't get to everything. Then I got sick last week. We're talking zombie sick. Night of the living dead/I can't fully open my eyes/I sound like a modern-day-Kathleen-Turner-as-Chandler-Bing's-dad sort of sick.
So sick I still haven't even seen last week's the Biggest Loser episode.
I know.
So this week is different. This week is our vacation week where we are devoting all of our childless hours to fixing a bathroom we didn't want to fix.
My goal this week is a daily goal: Survive.
Maybe the word is even Endure. I'm not sure yet. If I come away from this week with a new tub, an intact marriage, and kids I'm happy to see, I'll be very happy.
How were your two weeks? What's your goal for this week?
Really, I tried to accomplish all my goals, but I just didn't get to everything. Then I got sick last week. We're talking zombie sick. Night of the living dead/I can't fully open my eyes/I sound like a modern-day-Kathleen-Turner-as-Chandler-Bing's-dad sort of sick.
So sick I still haven't even seen last week's the Biggest Loser episode.
I know.
So this week is different. This week is our vacation week where we are devoting all of our childless hours to fixing a bathroom we didn't want to fix.
My goal this week is a daily goal: Survive.
Maybe the word is even Endure. I'm not sure yet. If I come away from this week with a new tub, an intact marriage, and kids I'm happy to see, I'll be very happy.
How were your two weeks? What's your goal for this week?
Meal Plan Monday
Another week. Another meal plan.
I'm doing major spring cleaning this year and this week I'm attacking my kitchen. Every cupboard and drawer will be emptied and wiped down. Dinners have GOT to be easy and simple. And the fewer complaints from the boys, the better.
MONDAY: Frozen ravioli with spaghetti sauce, green beans, fruit/yogurt salad, and green salad.
TUESDAY: Soft tacos and cheese quesadillas
WEDNESDAY: French Toast with Vienna Sausages and fruit
THURSDAY: Corned Beef Hash with brussel sprouts, green bread, and green jello.
FRIDAY: Fast Food Friday
SUNDAY: Mystery meal at my mom's
I'm doing major spring cleaning this year and this week I'm attacking my kitchen. Every cupboard and drawer will be emptied and wiped down. Dinners have GOT to be easy and simple. And the fewer complaints from the boys, the better.

TUESDAY: Soft tacos and cheese quesadillas
WEDNESDAY: French Toast with Vienna Sausages and fruit
THURSDAY: Corned Beef Hash with brussel sprouts, green bread, and green jello.
FRIDAY: Fast Food Friday
SUNDAY: Mystery meal at my mom's
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Sometimes More IS More
Less is more. I think that all the time. I especially think it right now as I'm doing a major Spring Cleaning/Dejunking of my house. Fewer games we don't ever play = more space to reach the ones we play all the time. Fewer never worn coats = more space for coats we wear. (Can you tell I cleaned my coat closet today?)
But sometimes MORE is more. I love it when I find an article or blog that says what I've been thinking. This morning I read this article and found myself nodding my head over and over.
In the world of weight loss, it applies too.
More fruits and veggies = More filling and satisfied.
More time exercising = More muscles.
More pounds lost = More victory dances.
More water = More trips to the bathroom.
Anyway ...
This week I had more pounds lost on the scale. I did my victory dance. I got excited about losing weight again. I got the drive back to work harder at making good food choices and fitting in more exercise. I'm hopeful that my weight plateau had to do with the sicknesses and dull days of winter. I'm down 12 pound in the last 14 weeks. Five more pounds will put me lower than I've been in 3 years. I can't wait.
So, today, for me ...
More success = More drive to do even better!
But sometimes MORE is more. I love it when I find an article or blog that says what I've been thinking. This morning I read this article and found myself nodding my head over and over.
In the world of weight loss, it applies too.
More fruits and veggies = More filling and satisfied.
More time exercising = More muscles.
More pounds lost = More victory dances.
More water = More trips to the bathroom.
Anyway ...
This week I had more pounds lost on the scale. I did my victory dance. I got excited about losing weight again. I got the drive back to work harder at making good food choices and fitting in more exercise. I'm hopeful that my weight plateau had to do with the sicknesses and dull days of winter. I'm down 12 pound in the last 14 weeks. Five more pounds will put me lower than I've been in 3 years. I can't wait.
So, today, for me ...
More success = More drive to do even better!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Last Week on the Biggest Loser
How late is this? Way? Should I even bother posting this? Yes? Okay, if you insist.
To see last week's episode, go Here or watch below.
The contestants went home for two weeks. This is always risky. Some people rocked it. Some didn't.
The challenge, which was basically the last chance workout, was to replicate what the first challenge was: going 5k. This time the challenge was done individually. And then the reward was picking which team you wanted to be on.
Here's the conundrum. Arthur came in last and became the odd man out on the Red Team. And even though he's still hundreds of pounds from his goal weight, he was voted off. The Black Team blew away the weigh in. They were amazing. And Arthur, because of loyalties and alliances, was voted to go home.
Did the Red Team make the right choice? Or did they let the game get to them? I originally thought I'd have voted for Kaylee. She's been incredible and she's very close to her goal weight. And she only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks. But once they sat around the table, you could feel the tension through the TV. I really don't know what I would have done. On a show like this, when do you begin game-mode?
To see last week's episode, go Here or watch below.
The contestants went home for two weeks. This is always risky. Some people rocked it. Some didn't.
The challenge, which was basically the last chance workout, was to replicate what the first challenge was: going 5k. This time the challenge was done individually. And then the reward was picking which team you wanted to be on.
Here's the conundrum. Arthur came in last and became the odd man out on the Red Team. And even though he's still hundreds of pounds from his goal weight, he was voted off. The Black Team blew away the weigh in. They were amazing. And Arthur, because of loyalties and alliances, was voted to go home.
Did the Red Team make the right choice? Or did they let the game get to them? I originally thought I'd have voted for Kaylee. She's been incredible and she's very close to her goal weight. And she only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks. But once they sat around the table, you could feel the tension through the TV. I really don't know what I would have done. On a show like this, when do you begin game-mode?
Meal Plan Monday
Another Monday, another meal plan.
I'm really good at doing this for dinners, but I need more variety in my lunches (my own, not my kids - they live off of bologna and cheese). I need to research some healthy and low calorie lunches that are also quick. Hmm, another project to add to my week.
And here's my week's dinners:
MONDAY: Leftovers via Mom ~ she has leftover ham and funeral potatoes from dinner yesterday that she's bringing in tonight.
TUESDAY: Spaghetti with meatballs (if I get them made), salad, green beans, and fresh bread.
WEDNESDAY: Tin Foil Dinners ~ probably with hamburger patties, but I'm leaning toward chicken tenders instead. Potatoes, carrots, peppers, onion, meat on a cabbage slice in a foil packet baked in the oven (or the grill if it isn't raining).
THURSDAY: Breakfast Burritos ~ scrambled eggs with veggies on a tortilla.
FRIDAY: Subways
SUNDAY: Potato soup (from my freezer stash) and bread
I'm really good at doing this for dinners, but I need more variety in my lunches (my own, not my kids - they live off of bologna and cheese). I need to research some healthy and low calorie lunches that are also quick. Hmm, another project to add to my week.
And here's my week's dinners:
MONDAY: Leftovers via Mom ~ she has leftover ham and funeral potatoes from dinner yesterday that she's bringing in tonight.
TUESDAY: Spaghetti with meatballs (if I get them made), salad, green beans, and fresh bread.
WEDNESDAY: Tin Foil Dinners ~ probably with hamburger patties, but I'm leaning toward chicken tenders instead. Potatoes, carrots, peppers, onion, meat on a cabbage slice in a foil packet baked in the oven (or the grill if it isn't raining).
THURSDAY: Breakfast Burritos ~ scrambled eggs with veggies on a tortilla.
FRIDAY: Subways
SUNDAY: Potato soup (from my freezer stash) and bread
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
10 Factors that play a key role in weight gain
This list came from the nutritionist for the Biggest Loser show. She recommends looking at our own lives and, if we do any of these things, that we have a great place to make a small change for the better. I know I need to especially work on #4 and #10.
People with weight gain problems usually,
1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and well being.
2. Had absolutely no idea how many calories their bodies really needed (or how many they consumed each day).
3. Frequently skipped breakfast and other meals.
4. Didn't eat enough fruits or vegetables.
5. Didn't eat enough lean protein.
6. Didn't eat enough whole grains.
7. Ate too much "white stuff," such as white flour, white pasta, white sugar, white rice, and simple carbohydrates.
8. Didn't plan their meals in advance and often found themselves grabbing something on the go, which they ate standing up, in the car, or at their desks.
9. Drank too many of their calories (some people consumed their daily calorie budgets in sugary drinks alone!) but didn't drink enough water or milk.
10. Didn't get enough exercise (if any).
People with weight gain problems usually,
1. Prioritized other things—such as their families, friends, and jobs—over their own health and well being.
2. Had absolutely no idea how many calories their bodies really needed (or how many they consumed each day).
3. Frequently skipped breakfast and other meals.
4. Didn't eat enough fruits or vegetables.
5. Didn't eat enough lean protein.
6. Didn't eat enough whole grains.
7. Ate too much "white stuff," such as white flour, white pasta, white sugar, white rice, and simple carbohydrates.
8. Didn't plan their meals in advance and often found themselves grabbing something on the go, which they ate standing up, in the car, or at their desks.
9. Drank too many of their calories (some people consumed their daily calorie budgets in sugary drinks alone!) but didn't drink enough water or milk.
10. Didn't get enough exercise (if any).
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