Monday, February 28, 2011
Weekly Goals
I think I need some specificity this week.
1. Spiritual -- read the scriptures daily, pray twice a day (at least), and read at least one General Conference talk a day.
2. Physical -- get up between 6:00 and 6:15 am and exercise, whether I go running or do one of my boring videos at home. And maybe buy a new video to get past my boredom.
3. Emotional -- have a good cry. I need the catharsis and a good chick flick might just do the trick. But I'll have to watch it alone. I can really use a good, loud sob and I can't really do that with other people around.
4. Mental -- get organized. I need to organize my coupons. Might sound stupid, but the thought of that mess is stressing me out. Also, I need to organize our budget, some paperwork for Josh's work, and prep for our new stupid bathroom. Our bathroom is going to be very pretty, but that doesn't mean I have to like it right now. Maybe I'll go into that more on my home blog tomorrow. If I get some of my other things organized I'll get on that.
How did your goals go? And any suggestions for my Goal 3?
Meal Plan Monday

I sat down and planned out March this weekend. As I did it, I was reminded of a technique that I've been taught in many home organization classes. In very simple terms, you create a list of all the meals/main dishes your family likes. Then when you do menu planning, you can just look at that list and, BAM, menu plan is done. Of course, the idea is to update that master list as you find new meals you like and remove ones that maybe you really don't care for.
I had a master list when we were childless, but I haven't looked at it since having kids. What we eat has changed a lot. Well, maybe not a lot, but I guarantee that we never had chicken nuggets for dinner the first six years we were married!
Doing my big meal plan this weekend made me think that I should recreate that master list. It is so easy to get stuck in the same meals over and over. I know I'm forgetting some really good meal that we all loved, but I have a swiss cheese brain. That master list could help fill in the holes.
And now my meal plan for this week (my crock-pot is going to be busy):
MONDAY: Ham and potatoes in the crock-pot (ham chunks, potato chunks, 2 cans of cream of something soup, a little milk, cream cheese added 10-15 minutes before serving), corn, salad, canned peaches
TUESDAY: Crock-pot Chili (Mindy's award winning recipe), corn bread muffins, salad
WEDNESDAY: BBQ Sandwiches (roast cooked with some sauce in crock pot and then shredded) on hoagie rolls with roasted potatoes, salad, canned pears
THURSDAY: Pumpkin Pancakes (from my freezer supply) and fruit smoothies
FRIDAY: Fast Food Friday
SATURDAY: Homemade Pizza (yep, we do pizza weekly)
SUNDAY: Chicken, Squash, and Sweet Potato Stew (from my freezer supply) with salad and jello
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
This Week on the Biggest Loser
There's a big issue that came up this week, but first I want to cover some of the more trivial items.
First, any time MMA or Randy Couture are mentioned, our house is automatically filled with endorphins. Josh doesn't watch very many sports, but he does enjoy UFC every once in a while. In case you didn't know, the UFC (Ultimate Fighter Championship) is a fighting competition between two competitors at a time and uses Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). So from the get go of this episode, I already liked what was happening. And for Rulon to get a chance to catch up with his trainer for a few minutes was really good to see. I loved watching the Red Team just absolutely kick butt in the training center and loved that they "went back to basics" as one of them said. It was good to do, even though a few of them ended up struggling in the weigh in.
Second, the challenge looked like it would've been fun. Josh said it would be a great YM/YW mutual activity. And once the Red Team got their mojo, they rocked it. A 3 lb advantage seemed to be an incredible prize.... Until the Black Team threw the weigh in.
Third, Cara's willingness to get into the ring to box with Kaylee impressed me. How often do trainers seem to sit to the side and allow the trainee to do all the work while they stand there and tell them what to do? Often, it seems. Cara laced up her gloves and challenged Kaylee to a match. And she didn't hold a lot back. She willingly took several hard punches and allowed Kaylee to learn to literally "fight back." It gave us a new side of Cara. I like her.
So here's the big issue of the episode: Did the parents on the Black Team do the right thing?
They started out with the Team meeting where their codependency became painfully obvious: If I love you, I'll sacrifice myself for you. If it's not obvious, I'll just let you know that I hated this meeting, its purpose and its outcome. Honestly, the parents thought that they needed to take themselves out to save the "kids." Really? Really?? Not only did they jeopardize themselves, but they jeopardized their entire team.
I think Moses hit the nail on the head when he said that they weren't doing the kids any favors by doing that. The better approach was to teach their child to survive and fight back. He and Kaylee had an incredible week. Not because they let someone else take their licks -- and Kaylee's fight with Cara proved she could take her own licks -- but because they came together, pushed through the pain and non-morning-person-ness, and worked hard.
By the end of the episode everyone was emotional, some because they had been "saved" and some because they were just relieved. But where's the accountability? Isn't that why most of us struggle with our weight and other goals? Because we've let ourselves off the hook too many times?
What did you think of that?
Target Weight
Let me set the scene: A woman is trying to lose 10 pounds to get to her target weight. Her mother-in-law tells her that if she (the mother-in-law) could eat whatever she wished and only be 10 pounds above her target weight, she wouldn't bother dieting. Can you picture what's going on?
In my, perhaps sarcastic, opinion, the mother-in-law's target weight then isn't the minus-10-pounds. Her target weight is then ten pounds higher than what she is saying. I meant no harm. Just playful teasing. The daughter-in-law did NOT take it that way.
Whatever. I don't even really know the daughter-in-law and I'm now fairly sure we were not meant to be friends. But this did cause me to think.
What is my target weight? Why is it my target weight? Is it something I really think I can accomplish or is it just that misty, far-off number that sounds good?
In this scenario, I think for the mother-in-law, it is the latter. She doesn't REALLY want to be at that target weight or else 10 pounds above would never been good enough.
I'm about 10 pounds away from my wedding day weight. (okay, as of today's weigh-in, I'm 14 pounds away, but 10 sounds better with the story I'm working here.) That isn't good enough for me. I want to be that wedding day weight. Actually, I want to be 15 pounds less than my wedding day weight. I'm working for it. I'm fighting for it. As soon as I reach a point where I say, "Hey, scale, that number sounds good enough!" I've set a new target.
I can't give myself any slack. I can't say, "I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight. That's a sweet place to be." Once I do, I'm stuck. Instead I have to say, "Whew! Made it to pre-pregnancy! Check one off the list. What's next?"
I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep challenging myself. As soon as I become blaze, my target weight will change.
If you take your eye off of your goal, it is very easy for that goal to change.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Deisre & Goals
My desire for instant change is still there. But I feel I really need to change my desires. I desire strength. I desire energy. I desire to fit into my swimsuit a little bit better by summer. I also desire to avoid long term health issues that can result from being a little too heavy. I do not want to get diabetes, and with my pregnancy health history and family history, I'm at high risk.
I have come a long way actually. Here's a photo of me, not quite at the biggest I have ever been. This was taken about 3-4 weeks before Jaxon was born. My whole body hurt. I got bigger. My waist line was measuring at 46-47 inches. My father's eyes popped out of his head when he heard that number.
I was actually exercising 4-5 days a week and really watching what I was eating. I also had 4 liters of amniotic fluid (one quart is typical).
This is the most current picture I could find that shows my tummy in all its current glory. This was our annual family Christmas pageant. These are Dennis' parents and Jaxon (he's a shepherd).
Now for some goals:
I currently am walking 3 miles on the treadmill 3x a week and going to my dance (clogging) class 1x a week. I really need to put some muscle toning into my routine. So, I plan on adding pilates or yoga 2x a week. I also will probably switch up my aerobic routine to include some weights.
I also need to cut way back on the treats. I am really good at keeping my food portions correct during meals and scheduled snacks, its the few (handfuls) of cinnamon bears, or grabbing a palm full of m&m's throughout the day that is really holding me back.
Any suggestions on how to control the mindless snacking I so dearly am addicted to?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Meal Plan Monday - President's Day Style!

Monday - Kraft Mac & Cheese with hot dog chunks a'la Billy's request (it is his birthday)
Tuesday - Chicken Nuggets for the boys/Date night for grown-ups
Wednesday - Meatloaf a'la Cathy (since we didn't have it last week)
Thursday - Oven Oatmeal a'la $5 Dinners
Friday - Fast Food Friday a'la Subway (got a gift card)
Saturday - Pizza Night a'la Five Buck Pizza (love us the gift cards)
Sunday - Chicken Penne Pasta a'la Jeri Dawn
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Weekly Goals
I missed my workout yesterday, but otherwise did a pretty good job of keeping my goal for exercising. My morning routine is turning into more of a morning necessity everyday. I'm happy about that.
So tell me how it went: success, failure, and the gray areas in between.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Menu Plan Alternate
So score one for the blog.
My little sister just posted a pretty nifty idea. I could retell it; but I think I'll just link to her variation on the menu plan. Maybe it's an idea you could use.
Honestly, I do a little shuffling in the week depending on what I'm in the mood for. I don't think this is bad; I think it is flexible. Sarah's idea is even more flexible.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
This Week on the Biggest Loser
This week's episode was one of the lesser active. There was a lot less drama than there has been, thus creating a lot less controversy to cover.
We started with the pop challenge for use of the gym. What do you think? Is the gym necessary? I thought the challenge was a fun one. One that we would've done as a synergy exercise in our Seminary class in high school. And I loved the the Red Team was led by an Eagle Scout.
The main challenge was won by sheer brute strength. It's possible that the Red Team could've gotten more questions correct if they'd had more time to think, I believe. However, I also believe that the Red Team is at a disadvantage in the food department. They had so many weeks of no hands-on training. The Black Team is absolutely ahead of the game in that department.
I was happy to see Rulon have the beginning of his breakthrough. Josh made a comment that I agree with. He said that he doesn't think the new trainers get to the emotional heart of the matter with the contestants like Bob and Jillian do. So to see him struggle at the beginning of the week and then find his inner-strength at the weigh in was a relief.
About the weigh in: was choosing to sit out Irene a good decision? Obviously, in hindsight, the better decision would've been Arthur. I thought they'd choose Courtney.
But what about the Black Team and the notion that they are the underdogs? Not all of them believe it, but there's enough whining that it's annoying. They haven't lost a single player since the Unknowns returned to the ranch. They are killing at the scale. Can they even qualify as underdogs? I'm thinking.... no.
To see Jay go was sad. Especially since he works so hard and had a good number on the scale. Is it a wise decision for the Red Team to stay loyal to the original members or should they be picking off the smaller people now?
Here's hoping they don't have to make that decision next week.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Reflect on Success
It's been very easy to be hard on myself for not being perfect. So as I was out struggling to keep myself running today (some days are a lot easier than others) I thought that I needed a pick-me-up. And if I need one, maybe others do too.
So think of where you are. What have been some of your recent successes? Anything: physical, spiritual, academic, emotional, philosophical, whatever. What have you done well?
I saw a picture of myself today.
This is me on September 11, 2007. No, my t-shirt is not baggy on me. It's a 2X-Large. When I was that size, I had no idea how big I actually was. Now that I've been down about 40 lbs for nearly two years, I can see the difference between then and now. I still have more to lose, but keeping 40 lbs off for two years is a good thing. A very good thing. I still bask in the glory that I was recently told by the OB that I have a "runner's heart." A much better thing to hear than what the docs were telling me in 2007.
What's something good that you've been able to accomplish?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Weekly Goals
This week's goals include my morning ritual and beginning the training program I found online for a 10k. I found this a few months ago, but didn't get past the second or third day. So I'm going to try it again. Why? Because I need to feel accomplished. I have no race I'm training for, but I think it would be amazing to run around the block -- an 8 mile feat. For no other reason than "I can."
What I like about the program is that it's a combo of running, strength training, and cross training. It suggests resting on Friday, but running on Sunday. I'm going to put my rest day on Sunday. I have to make whatever changes are in my best interest or I won't succeed.
How did you do? What are your goals this week?
Menu Plan Monday - orama!!!

Monday - Heart-shaped pizzas
Tuesday - Chicken stir-fry and rice
Wednesday - Cathy's meatloaf and roasted potatoes
Thursday - Scrambled eggs (because my neighbors raise chickens and give us LOTS of fresh eggs) and scones
Friday - Fast Food Friday
Saturday - Pizza for the boys and date night for the grown ups
Sunday - Mom's bringing lasagna to our family birthday party. I think I'm in charge of the salad. It will be green.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Two Nights Ago on the Biggest Loser
So this episode started out with what everyone has been waiting for: the official contest between the two teams. Red vs Black.... the Unknowns vs the Ranch. Now it's the usual competition: whoever has the lowest overall percentage goes to the elimination and votes off on of their teammates.
And the game began immediately with the Valentines chocolate temptation. Since I was craving chocolate last night, I realized that this temptation could easily be my downfall. But because I like chocolate not power. I always applaud those that resist the temptations, mostly because it seems they have their bearings straight. And those that win are often the ones that need the most help. This week was no exception. Of course, I wasn't surprised to see Q eat. He's been struggling from the beginning. Josh and I both screamed at the TV when Rulon ate. But the two of them combined didn't eat even a third of the number that Arthur ended up eating.
So the winner of this challenge was to remain anonymous as they chose if they'd leave the teams alone or if they'd trade two members of their team for two from the other. The trade was made: Jay and Jen (the former Green Team) on the Black Team were traded for Deni and Sarah on the Red. Because we didn't see everyone go in to the temptation, it was possible that someone could've eaten more than Arthur's 35 pieces. But Arthur felt the need to explain his decision as to why he traded the two strongest players from his own team for the two smallest members of the Red team.
Arthur's mind isn't in the game yet. He decided to get rid of a guy he doesn't trust (and why should he when he was the one that sent the Green Team to the Unknowns a few weeks ago and they weren't very happy about that) and bring over people that no one on their team has any loyalty for so they'd be voted off instead of him or his dad.
So what do you think of all of this? Did Arthur do the right thing? Was he acting out of desperation? Do you think you would've tried to best the temptation or taken handfuls? I told Josh I would've had to sit in the doorway in the fetal position to avoid eating just for the sake of eating chocolate\\=
The heat began when the two teams had to share the gym. And all the trainers were in the same room at last. There goes my duality theory. Darn. I was really hoping for something theatrical. Oh well.
What do you think of the Red Team's extremely loud work outs? Was the Black Team justified in whining about it? Of course, I'll let you know what I think. No. They weren't. Have they never seen the show? I know that as a tv audience we don't get a real account of what really happens, but when Bob and Jillian have been head to head the gym seems to get pretty rowdy at times. I appreciated Bob and Jillian telling their team to focus. We are in charge of our own bodies. And I do think the Red Team pushed it a bit, but only a bit.
The Challenge: I hoped the Red Team would win, of course, but it's always a good thing for the contestants to get contact from home. Can you believe that Deni and Sarah missed a family wedding? The mother of the bride didn't get to be there. Crazy! I don't know that I could've made that sacrifice. And I'm pretty sure I would've been stumped on the calories challenge too.
The Weigh In: Who would've thought that the Black Team would've gotten so many huge numbers? I was shocked. Their defeatist attitudes bug me, but they did really well this week between the challenge and the weigh in. And seeing Q leave was no surprise. He never did seem to quite commit himself to the cause.
But as I watched all those double digits hit the scale, I had a bit of a revelation. The women who are approaching or in the 100s may only be losing about 5 lbs a week on the Ranch. Really, how much better is that than the 2 lbs I lost at home this week? It's a 3 lb difference, but nearly the same percentage lost. So maybe only losing a pound or two at home is really a good thing and nearly as commendable as a BL contestant.
What did you think this week?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One possibility: an enabler.
"An enabler in most definitions is a person who through his or her actions allows someone else to achieve something. Most often the term enabler is associated with people who allow loved ones to behave in ways that are destructive. For example, an enabler wife of an alcoholic might continue to provide the husband with alcohol. A person might be an enabler of a gambler or compulsive spender by lending them money to get out of debt. In this fashion, though the enabler may be acting out of love and trying to help or protect a person, he or she is actually making a chronic problem like an addiction worse. " (from WiseGeek)
In my own journey of weight loss, I see lots of enablers. The well meaning visiting teacher who brings a plate of cookies. The grandma who brings her grandsons Twinkies and offers me one too. Any function planner who thinks refreshments are mandatory, especially dessert types. Those who enable overeating are all over the place!
But the theory of enablers isn't limited to weight loss, gambling, or alcoholism. Maybe your goal is to simplify your commitments so you aren't spread so thin. Maybe you're working to get out of debt. Maybe you are attempting to clear clutter out of your home.
In each of those situations, enablers exist as well: the passive-aggressive PTA president who would love your expertise for the upcoming bake sale; the friend who shares all the best bargains and deals that she finds; or, well-meaning loved ones who shower your children with more and more gifts.
Road blocks. Bumps. Stalls.
So how can we all deal with these unintentional villains? Best Online gives these three tips.
1. Stand your ground – don’t be afraid to say no to anyone. This is your life and you make the decisions that are best for you.
2. Recruit support – when your friends and family are getting you down find others that will offer support and encouragement. There are many online peer groups or support meetings you can go to which are filled with like minded healthy supporters.
3. Turn on your blinders – ignore them, you are bulletproof and they can’t break you down. Eventually they will back down and either offer you support or move on.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekly Goals
So, how did your goals go this week?
I feel the need to explain how my goal to exercise 30 minutes every day was completed.
The first few days of the week were great. Running, biking, weight lifting. It was very ideal.
Then Thursday hit.
At 11:30 Thursday afternoon I had to rush to pick up my nephew from the bus. I had to grab the two babies (Millie and her cousin Ashton) so we could brave the cold and drive to the bus stop.
As the bus rounded the corner, the engine on the van sputtered and I officially ran out of gas. Crap.
We live in a HOA area and I was worried about leaving the van parked in a bike lane. If I can't park on the street in front of my house, how many tickets could I rack up in the middle of a bike lane? So I ran home. Literally. Luckily, it's not very far and I was able to grab the car and return to get everyone very quickly. Then we went and filled up the gas can and returned to the van. Then I played Vehicle Leap Frog as I drove the car, parked along the street, ran to the van, drove it around the car, parked, ran to the car, drove around van, parked, ran to the van, drove around the car.... you get it. I'm pretty sure I got my 30 minutes, although not consecutively.
And then I spent hours grocery shopping on Friday. Lots of walking. And I saved over 50% off my grocery bill. Yee-haw.
So this week, my goal is the same. Start my mornings off right (scriptures and prayers) and exercise for 30 minutes every day. If I can just keep these two goals going, I'll be doing great.
How did you do?
Meal Plan Monday

Yesterday we had the Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches. They were pretty good except for the bleu cheese. I was being daring. I don't normally like bleu cheese. I still don't. My husband said about the sandwiches, "They are really good ... except the moldy bread taste!" Without the bleu cheese, they were actually really good and super easy. Live and learn!
Without further adieu, my meal plans for this week:
MONDAY: Chicken, Sweet Potato, and Butternut Squash (this is a new to me recipe - wishing myself luck!) in the crock-pot with fresh bread and a green salad.
TUESDAY: Chicken nuggets, oven fries, green beans, and canned peaches.
WEDNESDAY: Sweet and Sour Meatballs over rice with a green salad and canned pears.
THURSDAY: Heart shaped waffles with ice cream.
FRIDAY: Fast Food Friday.
SATURDAY: Soft shell tacos and cheese quesadillas.
SUNDAY: Honey-Dijon Roast (the recipe calls for pork, but I'm just using a regular roast) with roasted potatoes, peas, and jello.
What's on your plate?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I do. I love making goals and resolutions are a big part of my life. But after a long month full of Utah inversions and lots of illness, it is easy to forget about those big plans.
I am still on my way in my weight loss journey. I moved very slowly in January, but I was still moving toward that goal weight. However, I do need to exercise more. I know this. I do. I had even gotten really good at doing pilates (my work-out of choice) regularly ... and then I got sick.
So I'm back on the couch. It is comfortable here. But I know that it won't do much to help me burn off that yummy birthday cupcake I had last night. It is time to recommit.
That's so easy to say. "I am going to exercise regularly and get strong and slim and healthy." But doing it isn't always as easy.
Then I read a blog this morning. It isn't one I follow very closely, but I landed there and these paragraphs jumped out at me:
Having a strong reason for doing what we do, helps us get through the times when we don’t feel like doing whatever that thing is. For example, some Sundays I don’t feel like going to church. Do I just stay at home and let my feelings dictate my actions? No. I get up and go because I know the value of being there. I want my children to learn the importance of worship and I believe God wants me and my family to meet with the saints each Sunday. So I go.
The same is true for exercise. Just working out because you think you should, won’t keep you going for long. Think about why it is important. Maybe heart disease runs in the family and you want to do what you can to avoid that. Perhaps you simply want more energy to serve your family each day. (A worthy reason to be sure!)
Whatever your reason for exercising, keep it in mind.Wow. I don't have any problems going to church. It is ingrained in my being. Can I make exercise the same? Can I find that level of commitment for my health? It definitely gave me something to think about.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Last Night on the Biggest Loser
So here is a clip from last week's show. If you remember, the green team transferred to the Unknowns' gym and then fought on behalf of the Unknowns at the challenge. I wondered what happened when the Green Team returned to the gym and I found this clip, in case you are interested....
And here is last night's episode.
So this episode began with the weigh in we didn't get to see last week. Everyone did pretty well until we got to Irene and Don. Did anyone else just shake their head in disappointment when they each GAINED 6 lbs? That's a total of 15 lbs gain for Don in the last two weeks. Major setback just to sabotage the weigh in so he could go home. I don't understand. Is it not possible to just walk out? I hardly doubt the Biggest Loser Mafia will hunt people down if they realize they are so miserable that they absolutely must go home. I do hope he finds even more success at home, but I just wish he and his brother would've gone about leaving so much more differently.
So the Unknowns came back to the Ranch and began working out in the gym with the other team. But did anyone notice that Bob and Jillian weren't even in the gym with them at the same time? And none of the trainers made it to final weigh in.
Now, you have to move in closer so I can secretly tell you my thought and the Biggest Loser Mafia won't hear us. I think Cara and Brett are actually Jillian and Bob in disguise. It's a very "Mission: Impossible" sort of thing. Next episode I think Cara and Brett will enter the gym, rip off their plastic masks and reveal that they've been Bob and Jillian the whole time.
When it comes to the final weigh in, I think the Ranch players had an easy challenge to beat their previous week's weight total. Especially considering that two of the players had gained weight instead of losing it. I thought the challenge for the Unknowns was iffy. Pitting them against each other and not against the other team was a bit sly. And, yes, my bias toward the Unknowns is just as strong this week as it has been from the beginning.
I did learn two things this week that I've wondered about before:
1. Josh asked me once if I thought the gym had specialized equipment that was built to withstand the weight of the contestants. We've looked at getting pieces of our own home gym and have noticed that most exercise equipment has a weight limit, generally less than 300 lbs. So what happens when a 400 lb man sprints on a treadmill? Rulon showed us. They break. Two broken treadmills in his first workout on the Ranch. Go, Rulon!
2. I've often wondered how I'd feel if I worked my butt off to win a challenge but saw the hurt in someone else's eyes as they walked away empty handed. My eyes watered as I watched Rulon become emotional over his team's victory. But they had an ideal strategy and ran hard to get it.
So, finally, at the elimination we saw Larialmy head home to save her husband, Q. I think he was pretty admirable in saying he knew he couldn't lose the weight at home, but I also was grateful the rest of the team made him realize that he had to step it up and be true to his wife. If Larialmy was going to sacrifice herself, it had better dang-well be for a good cause. I really hope Q doesn't let her or the team down.
Probably the best quote of the week was by Bob. I wish I really could quote him, but I'll just have to paraphrase. He said that the priorities for losing weight must be: Thought, Food, and then Exercise. So true. If our minds aren't ready, the rest will be impossible to achieve. And it takes a lot less time to eat 500 calories than it does to burn 500 calories. (Just to give you an idea, last week I ran for half an hour and burned about 400 calories and yesterday I biked four miles in half an hour and burned a mere 300 calories.)
What did you think of this week? Why do you think there was such a massive difference between the two teams' weight losses?
Weekly Goals
I have to admit that by my obvious lateness in posting this, it's pretty clear that I've had one of those weeks. It's as if my cold went away but left me with fatigue and a periodic runny nose. Which is rough because it's such a great excuse as to why I can't fulfill any of my daily goals and why I think I must eat so badly.
So it's time to evaluate and refigure.
My accomplishments this week were so-so.
And so I try again.
Keep up my morning routine, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and I'm having some fun with changing what and how much I eat at different times of the day. I'm going for a larger lunch and a smaller dinner. It's an experiment just to see if it makes a difference in my energy, how I feel, and my attempt at weight loss.
How did you do?