Saturday, November 6, 2010
Checking In
I got to run with my sister today. We did the walk/run combo, but it was still a good run and I liked running with her. I think having a partner helps, even though it will be rare for the two of us to run together much with our conflicting schedules.
Tomorrow's goal: Survive Nursery.
Does a partner help you with your goals?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Want to Help?
Back to Basics
Having a hard time paying your tithing? How's your daily praying?
So it seems to be with so many things in life. If you struggle with the big stuff, maybe you need to go back to basics.
And that's where I'm heading with this blog. I've officially signed up to run the Turkey Trot in Syracuse, UT, in two weeks. I plan to run the entire race. But how am I supposed to do that when I can't even keep myself on schedule to run three times a week? How am I going to have the stamina to run in colder weather than I'm used to, while I'm pregnant, and in the first race I've entered since I was in 8th grade? It's a lot of swallow.
So I'm going back to basics.
I'm going to use this blog (once again) to keep myself accountable for my goals. And the results. Please feel free to comment, make suggestions, complain, encourage, or just say hi.
My long-ish term goal: Run 5k on November 20 (in 15 days)
Today's run: 3.04 miles
Today's running time: About 38 minutes
Tomorrow's goal: Run 2 miles
I'm only allowed a total of 60 minutes of exercise time a day. I'm trying to figure out which would be better -- do I run a little bit everyday with a longer run on Saturdays (starting next week since I had my long run today)? Or do I run my 5k three days/wk and do a strength training video the other three days/week? I'd just run, but my back feels so much better when I do strength training and Heaven knows how much my back kills me through pregnancy.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Bloggest Loser: Final Weigh In
So, let's do a final weigh in. Anyone who has participated is encouraged to weigh in. We'll announce the winner next week.
And in the meantime I'll try to figure out what exactly the focus of this blog is. The Healthy Pregnant Woman? The Way We Were: A Woman's Delusion of How Life is Supposed to Be? I'm open to suggestions.
Check your total weight lost. Remember to use your initial weigh in as your starting weight. And tell me how you felt these last two months. What can we do differently next time, in like 10 months? Unfortunately, this weight loss thing is always something I can participate in, when I'm not pregnant. So there will be a next time.
Thanks for playing with me. Hopefully we'll all have a little easier time next year!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Bloggest Loser Day 59
Is it time to let the Bloggest Loser RIP? I think it's the humane thing to do. Back to just weekly goals.
Let me know what you think. Tomorrow is Day 60, which is an ideal place to end. We can do final weigh ins and start the whole thing back up when more people can participate. Like me.
Please leave your comment and let me know what you think.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Bloggest Loser Day 50 and Weekly Check In
Last week's winner was......
Okay, people. Time to start weighing in again. We're just over halfway through!!! Remember, I'm out of the game, so I live vicariously through YOU!! Lose weight for me, please. My gut thanks you.
My goals this week: water, water, water. And I'd like to make sure I run three days this week. I missed last Monday. Ironically, it was the first day after I completed the Couch to 5k. And the first time I'd missed a day at all in ten weeks. I think that was more mental than anything else. Why do I give myself permission to give up? I've got to change that. Plus, I'm nearly sure I'll be running the Turkey Trot next month in Syracuse, UT. I've got a few more details to hash out, but I should be there with my running shoes. I've got to keep running so I can finish the race without much problem. I'll be about 12 weeks along by then (give or take a week or two) so I should be able to do it. Will you?
So despite all the Halloween candy, cookies, and any other yummy holiday treats you can think of, calculate your weight loss and TELL ME ABOUT. (That's almost a Billy Joel song.) Any new goals this week?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Bloggest Loser Day 42 and Weekly Goals
Congratulations, Carina. And congrats to everyone who actually LOST weight last week.
I, for one, did not lose weight. I'm not supposed to be gaining baby weight yet. No, no. I'm gaining Birthday weight. We have yet to learn how NOT to pig out on birthdays. Last week was Josh's. Lots of excuses to overeat. And then Josh got sick. He had no appetite. I had no real appetite. Why the heck would I cook an actual meal that no one was going to eat? But I have to eat something. So I eat the ready-made junk food that I shouldn't have bought, but did anyway. Another wrench thrown in my efforts to be healthy.
Also, this week I completed my Couch to 5k program. I'm very happy about this. You may have picked up on that fact since I mentioned it on my other blog and Facebook. I just need to figure out what to do about it.
As far as my goals for last week go, besides the cruddy eating and not enough water consuming, I did pretty well.
Goals for this week: Eat more fruit and less junk. Drink more water. I feel like I should be wearing a cow costume and holding a sign that reads "Drink mor watr" instead of the usual "Eat mor chikin." But I don't need to imagine myself as a cow. Not yet.
So tell me. How'd you do? Calculate your weight lost. Successes? Challenges? You know, the drill...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Bloggest Loser Day 34 and Weekly Goals

Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Bloggest Loser Day 28 and Weekly Check In
This is the first time I've won a week. Ever. I'm so happy!
As for the weigh in for this week, I have NO IDEA where I stand. I'm a scale-aholic. I step on the scale once a day. Sometimes more. It depends on how confident I feel. Or how masochistic I feel. Depends on the week. But this week I just haven't thought about it. So I'm clueless as to how my weigh in will go this week. According to my bodybugg I should be on track, but we'll see.
I also had a set back with my shoulder. I did something to mess it up on Thursday when I was doing my strength training. Ugh. It hurts. Josh told me to lay off the weights for a few days. I, of course, didn't want to, but I've learned one thing over the years: You always listen to your nurse-husband.
But enough about me. Tell me how you did this week? How are your goals coming along? What did you do well this week? What was your struggle? Any new goals to add this week? Figure out your loss percentage and then tell me all about your week! I'm bored and need something good to read.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Who Are the People In Your Neighborhood?
To do a workout video, you have to clean the room you're working in (always a pain with 1 or 2 2-year-olds hanging around), take over the TV so no one else can watch anything, and be surrounded by the reminders that you have other things to do (those stupid dishes mock me every single day). Plus, it's the same routine every time.
I've learned this week that I'd rather go running for 5 days in a row than break it up with a cardio video in between my runs.
Being outside is invigorating. I know I'm at an advantage by living in Arizona, but it's starting to be more tolerable in the mornings and soon it will be absolutely heavenly. I love the sounds, the smells, the freedom of the open road.
Every morning I have someone to wave at. It makes me feel a part of our neighborhood. And if you've ever heard of Sesame Street, you know how important that is.
I have noticed that we have a few more people in our neighborhood than what the song describes. We've got the electric company guys, the pest control guys, the pool guys, the landscapers (they even stop their work to wave as I run past them), the moms with strollers and dogs, the roller bladers, the "in shape" runners, the old guy, and many kids of different ages waiting for the school buses.
However, I have yet to discover cheese in my neighborhood. Or Ben Stiller.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bloggest Loser Day 22 and Weekly Check In
Go Here for the weight lost calculator.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Questions of the Day
What made you take the first step to begin getting healthier?
Like, the literal first step? What made you pull that workout DVD out of its dusty case? What made you begin trying to keep track of what you eat everyday? What caused you to decide that you have a goal, a plan, and a desire?
Me. About 40 lbs ago. |
And we did.
We moved the week between Christmas 2007 and New Years 2008. A new lifestyle (no more college living), a new job, a new state, a new year. I'd known I needed to lose weight. With both of my parents Type II diabetics, I knew I was heading down the same path. I had already had to be mindful of my high cholesterol. It was time to let that first step finally happen. And then the second. And then the third.
So that leads me to my next question.
What keeps you motivated to keep going?
If you don't have a bad day, then you're not paying attention to your own life. Sorry. That there's reality. What has kept you going during those bad times?
My latest bad time was from about January to July of this year. Major plateau. And I quit my consistent exercise or even caring about what I ate.
I had to remember...
What keeps me going is the need to be healthy. I'll never forget the first time I saw my dad after he had been diagnosed with diabetes. He discovered it when he lost a lot of weight. I had never seen my dad so thin. My dad. The man I considered Superman. The man I thought would always be the big, strong beacon of stability in my life. Hugging him freaked me out. I could nearly touch my elbows.
I want my health for myself, but also for my family. If I can prevent my children from crying about how unhealthy their mother is, then I'll be happy. I don't want to lessen my time with my husband or kids because I was lazy or didn't want to say no to the bag of cookies. I really don't know how preventable my parents' health issues are. I have a feeling they're more preventable than not. But their health scares me and I want to break the cycle before it becomes unbreakable.
So leave a comment with your story. Or blog it and let me know so I can read it.
What made you take the first step to get healthy?
What keeps you going?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Unspoken Runner's Rules
One of today's links was to an article about the unspoken rules of runners.
If you are a runner, want to be a runner, or are considering being a runner, I highly recommend reading this. It's pretty light hearted but touches on a lot of different subjects.
For Pete's Sake, Stand Still at Red Lights
Sharks die when they stop moving. Runners do not. Keep this in mind next time you encounter a don't walk sign at a busy intersection. There's no need to jog in place or dance from foot to foot like you have to pee. Just chill. Wait a few moments. Note: If a nonrunner waiting with you at the crosswalk is dancing from foot to foot, he or she may indeed have to pee. Give this person wide berth. (A Few Rules To Run By By Mark Remy Runner's World)
A Few Rules To Run By
For Pete's Sake, Stand Still at Red Lights
Sharks die when they stop moving. Runners do not. Keep this in mind next time you encounter a don't walk sign at a busy intersection. There's no need to jog in place or dance from foot to foot like you have to pee. Just chill. Wait a few moments. Note: If a nonrunner waiting with you at the crosswalk is dancing from foot to foot, he or she may indeed have to pee. Give this person wide berth. (A Few Rules To Run By By Mark Remy Runner's World)Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bless This Food
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
My (Birthing) Plateau Story

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Bloggest Loser Day 14 and Weekly Check In
First of all,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Letter to Me
I don't know that I'd write a letter to myself at 17. I got through high school just fine, with some minor heartaches. But who didn't?
Now, I might write a letter to myself from 10 years ago.
It would go something like this:
Hey, I know you're happily married and recently discovered that you are having your first baby. That's so great. You will be very happy.
Just do me a favor, would you? Do more Kegels, please. Jumping jacks suck.
Thanks, Me
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Bloggest Loser Day 7 and Weekly Check In

It's also time for our first official weigh in. Go HERE for the Weight Loss Percentage Calculator. And prepare to share.
This week I accomplished my goal of registering for the Bone Marrow Drive. It's a huge commitment. You are put in the registry until the age of 61. Amazing, isn't it? But I think they said only 1 out of 20,000 people match. I did the easy part with the cheek swab. Now it's up to the database to do the rest.

I also worked out pretty hard this week. I did my running (including the extra run last night), I did my work out video 6 days, I kept my food journal and (mostly) kept on it. Still, I only lost .25% of my weight this week. Yup. That's half a pound. I've also been taking my measurements. Somehow I still lost half an inch in my bust, a full inch in my waist, and gained a half an inch in my hips. My body is shifting and changing, but that scale didn't move. I admit, I got really upset about it. Then I went and found THIS ARTICLE. I encourage you to take a look at it. It talks a lot about weight being deceiving and an unreliable resource for measuring weight loss.
The article encourages you to find out your body fat percentage. You can use an online tool HERE. ****Warning**** This tool places you in categories of Essential Fat, Athlete, Fit, Normal, and Obese. I'm no longer obese according to my weight, but I am according to my body fat. So be aware. It really sucks to see yourself in the Obese category!! But even with my gain in my hips, I lost .5% of my body fat last week. That's awesome.
After reading about all of this, I think we'll keep the traditional weight loss percentage winner, but instead of having a winner for the most inches lost, we'll have a winner for the most body fat lost. Or do you want to do both inches and body fat lost? That would be a potential of three winners. Chime in and tell me your opinion.
So here it is. Leave your percentage of weight lost. And your body fat lost, if so desired. Was this week easy? Harder than you thought? Are you hopeful? Or just plain discouraged. Btw, if you're discouraged, hang in there with us. This will all be worth it in 83 more days!!
And for anyone not Bloggest Loser-ing with us (and those that are), what goals do you have this week? Mine include all I've been doing plus drinking more water than Crystal Light.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Run of Shame
I was strong for two reasons: #1 I'm waiting until my birthday for permission to eat baked goodies. #2 I had a disappointing weigh in yesterday morning. More on that tomorrow when we do the check in.
But tonight I wasn't as strong. I ate Chinese food.

So I decided to go running. It was a run of shame. I don't know if it was the incredible number of carbs and sugar or the guilt that got me so rearing to go. But I ran well and enjoyed it. It was my first night run and I enjoyed some of the things I don't usually get to experience in the mornings. No Millie, for one. Also, there are so many different scents in the air. I loved the smell of the charcoal grills and the fresh laundry smells. I had a race with a cricket. He jumped once for two of my steps. Finally he realized I'm awesome and he jumped off the sidewalk.
I wasn't a fan of the dark, though. I don't know how many more night runs I'll get to do, but it was a nice change of pace. Even if it was simply due to transgression.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
My Workout Buddy
It was only in the low 90s this morning as I did my Couch to 5k. I'm on w4d2. It was cloudy and actually kind of cool outside (Monday when I ran it was about 10 degrees hotter out) yet I was tempted to stop and walk during some of my running time. I didn't know what was wrong with me, until I realized that I was running at a faster pace than I had on Monday without the stroller. What was up with that? Millie and I had a great time in the cooler weather. Then we came home and I did the strength training workout from Power 90. You know, the forerunner for P90X. I'm a bit old-school.
But every time I turn on the dvd player, Millie is right there trying to work out with me. She does squats really well. She also gets on all fours and blows her breath out really hard through her mouth. These are her push ups.
Today she was stretching with me.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Freedom of Phoebe
It was the first day I got to run in my new shoes. And I had no stroller.
It was like freedom!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Weekly Check In and Bloggest Loser Day 1

Friday, September 3, 2010
Shoes and Music

Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Bloggest Loser Season Two -- Pre-Season

Lose as much weight in 90 days as is healthily possible.
Check in every week to report your percentage of weight loss.
Share your triumphs, challenges, advice, helpful links, and any other tidbits of info you can think of.
At the end of the 90 days, report your final percentage weight lost and (optional) total inches lost.
The Prize:
$10,000. Hahahaha! I wish! Would you settle for bragging rights? Because that's all you get, my friend.
Things to do before Day 1:

Weigh yourself. This will be your beginning weight you will use in your final weigh in.
Take a picture of yourself. This will be a good guide to help you see any changes your body makes.
Optional: Measure yourself, specifically your bust/chest, waist, and hips. You may see a greater result in your measurements than your weight.
We could have two winners: one with the greatest percentage of body weight lost and one with the greatest inches lost.
Don't worry:
This is all done by the honor system. You will never be asked to report your weight, measurements, or pictures. If you want to share to keep better track of the numbers, feel free. Just be prepared to report your percentages lost and the total inches lost if you choose to join that part of the competition.
We begin Monday, September 6th. Yeah, that's Labor Day. I do have impeccable timing, don't I?
And we'll still have a weekly goal check in for those that don't want to participate in The Bloggest Loser, but still want to set different goals.
You ready?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010
Weekly Check In

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010
Run and Not Be Weary

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Derek Redmond couldn't compete in the 1988 Seoul Olympics due to an Achilles tendon injury. He underwent five surgeries and couldn't wait to compete in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. He was favored to win the 400 meter (he had shattered the British 400-m record at age 19).
Sometimes we're the son -- in dire need to finish but unable to do it alone.
Sometimes we're the father -- in dire need to help, no matter how many people try to stop us.
Thank you, everyone, for you support. And thank you, Mom and Dad and Josh, for always encouraging me. No matter what.
Thank you, Derek Redmond, for inspiring me to never give up.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Check In

Last week my goal was to begin my running regime and keep up on my food journal. Did it. Woo-hoo! And I lost two lbs this week. Bonus!
Plus, Cindy sent me an early birthday present. I got to use my new mp-3 player for the first time today. It was so nice to have someone else keep track of my time to run or walk. And who can turn down some good tunes?
This week I want to continue my running. I want to make sure I get at least two days of a workout as well. I'll keep up my food journal and stay away from the sweets.
I'll tell ya. I had some major temptations this week. I wanted some really good and gooey brownie batter. And ice cream. And chocolate in any form. Our church choir practice is held at the choir director's house and she always has some warm, homemade goodies to share. Yesterday were no-bake cookies. My mouth watered and I almost gave in. But if I had, I would've taken her up on her offer for two cookies. Then I probably would've snuck a third one. But I didn't. My will power to stop is not completely developed yet and I don't need the opportunity it test it. I won't always have to say No. Someday I'll be able to say, "Just one, thanks" again.
How did your goals go this week? We all have some good and admirable long-term goals. What is one short-term goal that you can complete this week that will help you with your overall goal? Mine is to keep running. It's getting to be something I look forward to everyday. That makes me happy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Don Your Helmet
I hope this doesn't come across as preachy. I heard a lot of info that I just had to share.
Images of women in the media (movies, TV, magazines, etc) are deceptive. A lot goes into creating the ideal woman.
I had no idea that $60,000 can be spent airbrushing the front cover of a magazine. Many actresses and models have their own airbrush artists.
In 2007, the money spent on ads for products designed to "fix" you equaled $500 billion.
$55 billion a year is spent on diet product ads.
A lot was said tonight about the way children respond to their parents' obsessions with their appearance. Kids pick up on what they should and shouldn't believe from their parents. Makes sense. My kids love to please me. Of course they're going to do what I do.
I also learned that in 2004, more than 300,000 teens (18 and younger) had plastic surgery.
The thing is this: Satan gave up his chance to have a body. Now, he'll do anything in his power to make sure that we mess ours up. Elder David A Bednar said that the tool Satan cannot have or use is his major target: our bodies.
So what do we do?
We fight. The purpose of this blog is to create an atmosphere to share health-related goals. Elder Jeffery R. Holland said that we need to eat right, exercise and find our optimum health. He said, "There is no universal optimum size."
We need to gather our armor and fight this war that is banging on our door. We need to gather our breastplates, no matter what sizes they are. We need to sharpen our swords and shine our shields.
And more importantly, we need to don our helmets. Because this is a mind game, more than anything else.
Here's our strategy of attack:
1. Remember your divine worth and the reason you came to Earth. We came to this Earth to gain a body and be tested. We use our body to take that test. We have to remember that our body is not the test.
2. Forget yourself and serve others. You can't focus on yourself if you're helping others.
3. Fight "Fatism." We can't judge people by their shapes and sizes. It just promotes unhealthy images.
4. Remember bodies have power. "All beings with bodies have power over those that do not" -- Joseph Smith. We have the ability to overcome Satan and his temptations.
5. Question media messages. So many of the messages we see are an illusion.
6. Affirm your body is perfect the way it is. This was the greatest point made, I thought. 70 - 80% of your body is determined by genetics. You didn't come to Earth to get a body, you came to get this body. Your body is the one Heavenly Father wanted you to have, flaws and all. "Therefore, my body is perfect. Heavenly Father does not make mistakes."
I had to stop and think about why I'm making the goals I am. It comes down to this: I want to be healthy. Of course, I also want to be comfortable with how I look. And I know Heavenly Father wants that for me too. He wants me to be happy, but He has also entrusted me with my body. It's my responsibility to care for it. I need to nourish it, exercise it and keep it medically sound.
I need to don my helmet and keep myself in check. I have power and control over my body, whether I recognize that or not. It's up to me to know what I need and not let mainstream media tell me what I need.
I don't need to be stick thin. I don't need to have perfect hair or skin. I've been deceived by the media before. Here's me at age 19:

My eyes have been airbrushed to be more open, my loose strands of hair have been erased, as well as the red birthmark under my right nostril. My lips were added to. I had gone to an acting agency and this was my final headshot. I soon realized that the agency didn't want to promote me. They wanted to promote what I could be after being computerized and altered.
I'm not falling for that again. I'm going to get healthy, but I'm not going to lose myself in this war.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Can You Handle the Heat?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Ah-Ha Moment
In case you missed it, here is the worst line, "Get the jeans that says, 'I'm not a woman anymore. I'm a mom.'"
It's sooo wrong!
What??? Moms can still be women? They can feel beautiful, and happy, and maybe even (dare I say it?) sexy??
I'm going to step out on a limb here and say: Sure. Why the heck not?
Last week I established the routine of walking the kids to their bus stop and then taking Millie for a stroll through the neighborhood. It's helped me get into a good mindset that I'm going to use that time from 8 - 9 am to exercise. This week I'm alternating between my c25k program and my Biggest Loser workout. Today was the workout. It went fine, but I was kind of halfhearted. I let Millie distract me a bit. It wasn't that I didn't want to do it, because I actually did. I think I'm off my game a bit because I only have my 8 lb weights (I left my 5lb ones at my parents' house in MT) and my muscles are a little scared of those heavier weights.
I'm also trying to stick with my No Sweets Policy. Last week, with just my walking and my no sweets I lost 3 lbs. That's right! So, I'm very nervous to let myself have any sweets. Because I'm afraid I'll go overboard. I don't know how many years it's been since I didn't go more than two days without some form of sugar. Probably why it's been so hard to lose weight!!
You may be thinking, "Shelly, you're so adorably ridiculous!! 8 lbs isn't much to lift! And no one in their right mind would be that addicted to sugar."
My reply to you is this: Yes, I am adorable. Thank you.
Also, I'm discovering that I've lost control over my body and habits. I let it go and didn't worry about it. Now I'm taking it back. It's really hard and I don't always want to do it, but it's necessary. I can't stay in the weight bracket I'm in. It's not healthy. And it's not going to be easy to not gain the old weight back if I don't change. I'm already 30+ lbs less than I was two years ago. I'm not going back to that weight again!! Not unless I'm pregnant. And then I'd like it to be baby weight, not:
Been there, done that!
Never again, thank you!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Helpful Links
First Day of My 1/2 Marathon Training
The idea of this program is to slowly get your body used to running with a walk/jog combo. This week I run three days using a combination of jogging for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds.
Today's song that I sang over and over again (because I needs me an mp3 player or ipod) was "You Look Good in My Shirt" by Keith Urban. Mostly because I hoped my t-shirt was long enough to keep my booty covered. I'm sure I got people thinking of Jell-o as they drove past me. A bit too much junk in my trunk!!
Veronica and I are trying this new fad called, uh, jogging. I think it's jogging, or yogging. It might be a soft 'j'. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended amount of time. It's supposed to be wild.--Ron Burgundy, Anchorman
Josh talked to a coworker who is a seasoned marathon runner. She suggested to stick with a program to slowly work my way to running 3 miles (about 5k) and then start running for time, an hour at a time or so, until I can run for 3 hours. I only have a few months to train for this, but I want to do it.
My goal race is called London's Run. It's local and affordable. Some of these races are kind of pricey, but this one is do-able. Plus, all the proceeds go to local children's charities. You can't beat that!! And to add to the fun my sister, my brother-in-law, and my cousins plan to join me. Awesome!
In addition to my new exercise regime, I've begun trying to watch my food intake more. Last week I gave up refined sugar. Hardest thing I've ever done!! I'm a self-proclaimed choco-holic and giving up chocolate is rough! This week I want to focus on keeping my food journal. That should help with several aspects of my diet.
Please feel free to comment, but also join in. What is your fitness goal? We'll begin Bloggest Loser, Season 2 on September 5th. The person with the great percentage weight lost wins.
Get ready!!!